Work Study

DS got his financial aid report and there is work study on it. He is definitely going to have to work on campus for spending money & pay for books.

Exactly how does this work? I know we are going to have to come up w/ this amount when we pay tuition bill. He will earn that throughout the year.

Are these jobs limited? If so, then we really shouldn’t look at this as aid at all, and just add that amount to our COA?

Where does he go to look for these jobs?

I imagine there are other jobs on campus as well?

“our COA”

i think you mean EFC

your son needs to check with Bama before school starts to find out when the meeting is that discusses the WS jobs that are available.

Not only should he find out about this meeting ASAP, but make sure that he goes. It can be impossible to get a WS job if he doesn’t attend that session.

The purpose of WS is to cover “personal expenses” part of COA. It won’t be earned in time to pay for fall books.

How much was he awarded?

I suggest that your son work as much as he can this summer and save that money. That can go towards books and other misc costs.

College kids tend to spend a lot more money week to week than HS kids.

How does a student coming from OOS (and presumably far away) attend a WS info session?! Or is WS mtg held during BamaBound sessions, or ???

It is usually a meeting that is held a day or two before classes start.

The frosh usually are on campus the weekend before so that’s not usually a problem. However, some students “blow off” the meeting and then find out that they can’t get a job.

First year Work Study students are required to attend a Work Study job fair which is typically held sometime around the time classes start.

Do note that the student will have to work enough hours to earn the full amount. When I had a Work Study position as an upperclassman, the funding amounted to 16 hours per week, while freshmen received funding for 10-12 hours per week. Freshmen typically work 10 hours per week, but can work up to 12. Upperclassmen typically work 15 hours per week, but can work up to 20. I typically scheduled my classes such that I could work 4 5-hour days per week (20 hours per week) and could take finals week off.

It’s somewhat difficult to find a Work Study position outside of the job fair unless you know people in the specific department. Departments like Work Study students in part because their wages aren’t taken out of the departmental budget.

I’m a big fan of Work Study because it allows students to gain work experience and can provide some of the “home away from home” atmosphere that really helps a student feel comfortable at UA. My two Work Study positions were some of my greatest experiences at UA.

DS has been offered Work Study of $1200 per semester. He really needs that for spending money and to offset other expenses he may run into.

I would also like him to work and become more engaged at the school.

So, presumably he will already be at UA when this work study fair. He will need to attend this in order to find a position? Any details on how this will work out? Are their interviews and applications?

Jobs are very hard to come by around here, and especially over the summer for the kids My oldest lives at home, works part time while attending college. During the summer, with all the high school and college kids home, she’s lucky if she gets one day every week or so.

So DS will look but I am not expecting great things.

Summer jobs can be hard to get, but there are things students can do to improve their chances. 1) look early, start now. The job may have to begin before senior year ends. 2) ask business owners that are in your social circle if they are hiring. 3) inquire at businesses that typically increase sales during summers…ice cream shops, fast food, movie theaters, etc. 4) pay special attention to any new businesses that will be opening in your area and contact them asap. A few years ago, noticed a new restaurant would be opening within a few weeks and told my son. He immediately inquired and was hired on the spot. It was a nice summer job.

So many

The Work Study “Job Fair” was held last year on a Friday, 10 days after classes began. It was open all day and students could come by between classes to talk to various departments represented and sign up for interviews. MANY, many positions available – but the student MUST attend this job fair. In some cases, students basically got their job that day. For those who signed up with multiple areas for interviews, the students are then given a short period of time (2 wks) to secure a WS position and turn in the necessary paperwork (all of which will be available on-line). Your student will receive all of this info via Crimson Mail and will have info available via MyBama, in the Financial Aid and Work study areas. Watch the Crimson Mail for more info later in the summer!

Summer jobs can often be found at your local Town’s level. If your town has summer camp, or other programs for children, the town usually hires local teens to fill the positions of camp counselor, music instructor, lifeguard, swimming instructor and other such positions. having CPR, AED, and other Red Cross Certifications usually helps in acquiring these jobs.

" The Work Study “Job Fair” was held last year on a Friday, 10 days after classes began. It was open all day and students could come by between classes to talk to various departments represented and sign up for interviews. MANY, many positions available – but the student MUST attend this job fair. In some cases, students basically got their job that day. For those who signed up with multiple areas for interviews, the students are then given a short period of time (2 wks) to secure a WS position and turn in the necessary paperwork (all of which will be available on-line). Your student will receive all of this info via Crimson Mail and will have info available via MyBama, in the Financial Aid and Work study areas. Watch the Crimson Mail for more info later in the summer! "

Thank you, amy9998, this was very helpful. I will print it out and give it to DS.