Working at Taboo Places

<p>Do any of you students work as a bartender, a stripper, a dancer, or special waitress to earn money for college?</p>

<p>Bartender is hardly taboo. As for the other professions I've met girls (and guys) who pay their way through college with it. No reason to judge them, just another way to pay the bills, and a fast one at that.</p>

<p>we have a bar on campus and all of the bartenders are students...I would say that it is one of the highest sought after work-study positions on</p>

<p>The only downside to being a bartender is that freshmen will try to buddy up to you and try to get drinks. Of course if the freshman is a girl and you're inclined to such things...</p>

<p>As for the others, I have to admit it'd be a bit awkward to find out my lab partner or something was a stripper. I wouldn't be repulsed or anything, it'd just be different. Also, what is a "special waitress?"</p>

<p>No problem</p>

<p>The</a> World According to Carol Bartz : The Shocking News - MORE Magazine</p>

<p>What would be a taboo workplace for a guy?</p>

<p>What's a special waitress? Like Hooters?</p>

<p>If you are desperate and you have the body and talent, why not do those things? Someone has to do them. Someone could work there for less than a year and have their whole college tuition paid for.</p>

<p>gay strip club</p>

<p>i'm a bartender sometimes (sometimes i waitress, depends on scheduling). i make awesome money and i've been doing it since age 18. no one looks down on me for it. i didn't realize it was taboo.</p>

<p>One of my friends in undergrad worked as a stripper and edited a textbook a professor of ours was writing when it wasn't her turn on stage.</p>

<p>She quit when we all started turning 21, though. :(</p>

<p>I'd become a bartender, **** that's a decent gig.</p>

<p>i see no problem with it... one of my close friends works at a porn shop/xxx video store :)</p>

<p>Bartender is not a taboo job, at least with the current generation.</p>

<p>I almost got a job doing crime scene cleanup.</p>

<p>There are several girls at my school who are escorts and have no qualms about it. I think that's pretty awesome. </p>

<p>If you're comfortable and safe and making sweet amounts of money, I don't see any reason not to do it.</p>

<p>Can you get in trouble with your school for taking a job such as an escort or stripper?</p>

Can you get in trouble with your school for taking a job such as an escort or stripper?


<p>I don't see why you would, they're not illegal.</p>

<p>Most escorts are prostitutes, and that's definitely illegal. You can get arrested, and that may cause problems with your school. Other than that, some schools may have behavior codes that this would violate. I'm pretty sure that, say, Bob Jones University would kick you out if you were moonlighting as a stripper.</p>

<p>now i'm a little confused. adult pornography, being a porn star (as long as you're over 18), is legal. these are people who have sex and get paid to do it. now... how is this different from prostitution? besides having to go through regulations and sharing with the public?</p>

<p>That's an interesting question. I suspect that under many state prostitution laws, porn stars could be prosecuted. The fact that they aren't doesn't necessarily mean that it is legal; it just means that no prosecutor has sought to bring charges on that theory.</p>

<p>Edited to add: Here's an article that explores this a bit:</a> - The legal line between porn and prostitution - Aug 12, 2005</p>