Working at Taboo Places

<p>No, I haven't read it. Is it any good?</p>

<p>"Fireman and policemen have law on their side. When a job involves meeting with new and often sketchy people--people who expect <em>certain things</em> for the money that's paying your bills--there is going to be the possibility of getting hurt. People don't come to prostitutes for a caring, two-side relationship; they come because they've paid for a service that they want now and that they want their way. The prostitute's opinion isn't really considered."</p>

<p>exactly. plus like someone else said it's not going to be so great on a background check, neither would being a stripper. it's the way the world works. but whatever, not my life.</p>

<p>"A job is a job. I don't see why you should look down on someone just because they're doing something <em>you</em> think is immoral."</p>

<p>I don't know. I think there are pleny of jobs that I think are immoral, and I do look down on the people who do them. People who create advertisements fo cigarettes. People who call me to try to sell me a mortgage, even though I'm on the Do Not Call list. Torturers. And those are things that might be legal, at least in some places. As far as illegal "jobs," I don't have positive feelings about drug dealers, fences, scam artists, etc. I think pimps are worse than prostitutes, but eveything is relative.</p>

<p>I was referring to the comment about being a stripper, which is legal. Being an escort is...I don't know how legal it is. xD I guess if there's no sex involved and you're like a "professional date" or something it's different than if you're sleeping with clients. But I wasn't talking about illegal things.</p>

<p>"Being an escort is...I don't know how legal it is. xD I guess if there's no sex involved and you're like a "professional date" or something it's different than if you're sleeping with clients."</p>

<p>If you think there are really any escorts like that, I have some swampland I'd like to sell you. Seriously, though, I think that whether something is legal or not is not the last word in whether it is ethical. I would certainly agree that it's better to be a stripper than a tobacco company executive.</p>

<p>escorts often skirt the legal system by insisting that any money exchanged is for time only, and avoid using sexual language when advertising. or they use code words.</p>

<p>sure some professions are immoral - the ones that hurt people, like criminal drug dealers. but prostitutes are not hurting anybody (except maybe themselves)</p>

<p>Hunt - there actually is a small niche for that sort of thing.</p>

<p>I'm guilty of being the DD the night that some of my friends got trashed and ended up at a strip club. It was kind of funny. IMO. Anyways... i worked my 6am hell shift that next morning without sleep and about 6 of the strippers came into the store. It was funny cause they all recognized me from my tattoo and made friendly convo. IMO they're just normal people who get paid to get nekkid, nothing wrong with it if you can do it.</p>

<p>I've got absolutely no qualms with you girls being strippers and escorts. Just don't expect me to wine you or dine you or take you seriously as a candidate for girlfriend status. Why would I put time and effort into something any guy can get for some singles (strippers) or some Jacksons (escorts)?</p>

<p>IMO they're just normal people who get paid to get nekkid, nothing wrong with it if you can do it.</p>

<p>normal people don't get paid to be naked.</p>

<p>"normal people" don't go to HYPS, either...</p>

<p>"Just don't expect me to wine or dine you or take you seriously as a candidate for girlfriend status. Why would I put time and effort into something any guy can get for some singles or some jacksons?"</p>

<p>Are jacksons another form of payment? </p>

<p>And I think you can have strippers and escorts as serious girlfriends, since you're going to date someone because you like their personality and not because you love (or hate) their job or anything. And I take it you think that the main reason to wine and dine a girl is for the exclusive right to see her naked. What if you want to get to know her (or him) better?</p>

<p>and @ bunny27: Just because stripping is something that you personally would not do, it doesn't mean the people who do it are immoral or intellectually inferior.</p>

<p>"Are jacksons another form of payment? "</p>

<p>"How much could, say, my friend Alexander Hamilton be willing to buy?"
"Not much..."
"Okay, how about President Benjamin Franklin?"</p>

<p>oh i get it they're 20 dollar bills 8D</p>

<p>"And I think you can have strippers and escorts as serious girlfriends."
Of course, a lot of guys have strippers and escorts as serious girlfriends. A lot of guys also have fatties and inmates as serious girlfriends too. Doesn't make it desirable for me and a large number of guys out there. </p>

<p>"And I take it you think that the main reason to wine and dine a girl is for the exclusive right to see her naked. What if you want to get to know her (or him) better?"</p>

<p>I merely used the phrase "wine and dine" to provide imagery for "take you seriously as a candidate for girlfriend status." I've never, ever, been on a date that nearly approaches the level of formality or expense as "wine and dine." Those type of dates are pretenses and typically employed by mediocre guys trying to essentially win a girl over. As dates, I prefer casual activities that I would like to do even if not for the date, simply a venue to let the girl know how awesome I am. Before I even ask out a girl, from first impressions I already feel that I know her to a sufficient extent. I can tolerate a broad range of personalities from girls, because my focus is more on looks. The purpose of the date is really for her to get to know me. Me getting to know her is more just a side-effect.</p>

simply a venue to let the girl know how awesome I am.


<p>Let me guess, doesn't work so well does it?</p>

<p>"Before I even ask out a girl, from first impressions I already feel that I know her to a sufficient extent."</p>

<p>Yes because first impressions are always correct, especially yours. </p>

<p>" I can tolerate a broad range of personalities from girls, because my focus is more on looks. "</p>

<p>Nothing else matters at all. Oh of course unless they're strippers or escorts or fatties or inmates or other despicable types :/.</p>

<p>"The purpose of the date is really for her to get to know me."</p>

<p>Because she's obviously much stupider than you, and her first impressions, unlike yours, don't allow her to know you to a sufficient extent. I guess her going on a date with you is evidence of that :/. </p>

<p>"Me getting to know her is more just a side-effect."</p>

<p>Are you sure you can even hear her through that dense, egocentric fog? Maybe it's your own voice reverberating inside your skull, affirming your precious first impressions. </p>

<p>"Of course, a lot of guys have strippers and escorts as serious girlfriends. A lot of guys also have fatties and inmates as serious girlfriends too."</p>

<p>Maybe if you're in the same room with a small group of likeminded people, you can convincingly preach that strippers, escorts, and inmates all fall under the category of morally corrupt and therefore are not serious girlfriend material. HOWEVER, I don't understand why you throw "fatties" in there, as if their physical appearance is completely dependent on the decisions, more specifically career decisions, that they make. Also the term "fatty" is derogatory and your sweeping generalization that they, along with strippers escorts and inmates, are sub-par human beings is incredibly offensive.</p>

<p>*"Before I even ask out a girl, from first impressions I already feel that I know her to a sufficient extent."</p>

<p>Yes because first impressions are always correct, especially yours.

<p>First impressions aren't always correct, but I believe they often are (note the distinction between first impressions and prejudice). </p>

<p>Go read the book "Blink," by Malcolm Gladwell; I don't say that condescendingly or insultingly, it's an interesting read. Gladwell's writing is intellectually shallow at times, but he at least introduces some cool ideas. The general idea outlined in "Blink" is that you can indeed make well-formed evaluations of things based on very little information (he calls doing so "thin-slicing") and sometimes more information is deleterious. For example, an art expert was able to detect that a statue was a fraud just by glancing at it, when other experts ran all sorts of tests and examinations and erroneously concluded it to be authentic.</p>

<p>My current girlfriend once asked me at what point in time did I decide that I could take her up as my girlfriend. I told her that I made that decision before we even spoke, that I garnered enough information just based off of looks and mannerisms. In these type of situations, people sling around the phrase "love at first sight." I just prefer a more analytical approach in looking at the situation instead of a romantic one, which seemed to perturb you somewhat. </p>

<p>*" I can tolerate a broad range of personalities from girls, because my focus is more on looks. "</p>

<p>Nothing else matters at all. Oh of course unless they're strippers or escorts or fatties or inmates or other despicable types :/.

<p>Is the interval [-10000,10000] the same as the interval [-infinity, infinity]? No; a broad range of tolerated behavior is not the same thing as an endless range of tolerated behavior. Less time I checked, obesity is a physical and not mental manifestation, although the ramifications of it effect a person's mentality as well. In addition, is something despicable simply because it's not desirable? Smoking cigarettes is not desirable to me, but I don't view it as despicable. </p>

<p>*"The purpose of the date is really for her to get to know me."</p>

<p>Because she's obviously much stupider than you, and her first impressions, unlike yours, don't allow her to know you to a sufficient extent. I guess her going on a date with you is evidence of that :/.*</p>

<p>It has nothing to do with intelligence (although from my casual empiricism, intelligence and attractivity have a moderately inverse correlation). I just implicitly assume that the girl isn't as comfortable as me with just using thin-slicing in evaluating a partner. </p>

<p>*"Me getting to know her is more just a side-effect."</p>

<p>Are you sure you can even hear her through that dense, egocentric fog? Maybe it's your own voice reverberating inside your skull, affirming your precious first impressions.*</p>

<p>Cute metaphor, but I think what I wrote above will shed light on this as well. I'm a very confident person and I do believe I'm awesome, but I was mostly being tongue-in-cheek when I said that dates are a venue for girls to recognize my awesomeness--obviously how awesome I am is a matter of opinion, not every girl would agree. I emphasized that the point (or purpose or telos) of the date wasn't to get to know her better. And just because something is a side-effect doesn't automatically make it un-worthwhile much less harmful--that's why you learn about positive as well as negative externalities in introductory economics. </p>

<p>*"Of course, a lot of guys have strippers and escorts as serious girlfriends. A lot of guys also have fatties and inmates as serious girlfriends too."</p>

<p>Maybe if you're in the same room with a small group of likeminded people, you can convincingly preach that strippers, escorts, and inmates all fall under the category of morally corrupt and therefore are not serious girlfriend material. HOWEVER, I don't understand why you throw "fatties" in there, as if their physical appearance is completely dependent on the decisions, more specifically career decisions, that they make. Also the term "fatty" is derogatory and your sweeping generalization that they, along with strippers escorts and inmates, are sub-par human beings is incredibly offensive.*</p>

<p>This is where you come off as very trigger-happy and reading what you want to read instead of reading what's there. Let's revisit:
"Of course, a lot of guys have strippers and escorts as serious girlfriends. A lot of guys also have fatties and inmates as serious girlfriends too. Doesn't make it desirable for me and a large number of guys out there."
Hm... here I mentioned strippers and escorts, and fatties and inmates. If only I explained what they have in common...oh wait I did. I said that just because many guys do take these categories up as girlfriends doesn't make it desirable for others. My commentary has nothing to do with superiority or moral right and wrong.</p>

<p>Go unshunreshun!</p>

<p>I agree with Easy on this one.</p>