Working during college

<p>I think I might have to work my freshman year next year to cover expenses, and I'm kind of worried that I won't be able to balance a job, studying, and social life at michigan. Does anyone have a job right now at michigan that could tell me about your experience with that? Also, what kind of jobs are the most desirable/fun/pay a lot? Thanks :)</p>

<p>You probably won’t find anything that is “desirable/fun/pay a lot.” I would guess that most campus jobs pay with a dollar or two of $10/hour. It shouldn’t be hard to find a job though. As to desirable, maybe if you are an usher at Crisler Arena or something, that would be cool. But in the end, the realities of school taking up most of your time and the low wages make it that you aren’t going to make very much money anyways.</p>

<p>Here’s one alternative for off-campus work. The going rate for a college-aged babysitter in Ann Arbor starts at $10 an hour. While it may not be realistic to aim for a steady babysitting job, you could supplement your wages with the occasional evening of work, assuming you like childcare and have some experience.</p>

<p>the typical rate for student computer consultants is around $12- $19 and as high as $25 at certain IT departments . It’s pretty chill i just do homework all the time…there’s usually not that many tickets</p>

<p>i might stop working at the IT department soon though coz i dont want to be pigeonholed as tech and pegged unsuitable for management consulting/ibanking and put into the tech pile when they see my resume…i have too many tech related internships/jobs</p>

<p>thanks guys!! I think I might just get a job second semester, so I can get used to college first before I get a job, because that might be too much to handle.</p>

<p>bearcats, you ever think of just leaving things off your resume? Tailor your resume for each company you are applying to. If you don’t want to put a ton of tech experience, don’t. As I’ve gotten more relevant experience, I just drop the other crap off my resume. I don’t bother putting where I worked in high school or that I bus tables at a sorority, etc. Just relevant research or work experience. So if you think you have too much tech stuff on your resume, leave it off.</p>

<p>And those are decent wages for students. But remember you still need time for class, study, etc. so you are limited in the hours you can work which keeps paychecks low.</p>