<p>Hi! I'm going to be a sophomore this year, and I've signed up to take 3 APs. They are: AP English Language, AP World History and AP Art History. I'm wondering if the workload will be too much since all my other classes are honors. So, my schedule will be:</p>
<li>Biology 1 Honors</li>
<li>Geometry Honors</li>
<li>AP Lang</li>
<li>AP World</li>
<li>AP Art</li>
<p>Do you think this is too much? I want to take on as many challenging courses as I can, but I'm wondering if I'm going to get C's in classes where I know I should get A's only because the workload is too much.</p>
:-* </p>
<p>You only have five classes so I’d like to assume you would have a lot of free time to spare but I don’t know how difficult your school is. If you put in the effort and stay focused, I think you should be fine. </p>
<p>Where’s your foreign language?
Colleges want at least 3 years of the same fl.</p>
<p>@beerme sorry! I forgot to mention I’m taking spanish 3 honors as well. @letmeseetheworld I’m going to an arts school where I have a major and I have 2 classes in that major (it’s creative writing). </p>
<p>I think your schedule looks fine. You seem to be on track. Best of luck :)</p>
<p>No it’s fine. I took Lang as a frosh and the most important thing is writing maturity. The workload (for me, at least) was light:I had about a one page mini-essay a week plus maybe 2 or 3 short pieces to read/annotate.
Also, World is a common Sophomore course, and your math/science are normal.
I don’t have experience with Art though; sorry I can’t help you there.</p>
<p>Just out of curiousity, since your taking AP Language as a sophomore, you’re probably taking AP Literature as a junior, what English class are you taking as a senior? Just wondering. At my school you take ap lan 11th and ap lit 12th. 9-10 is just honors English. </p>
<p>@futureuclabruin Not sure! I got ahead in English because I took English 1 in 8th grade and English 2 last year. I’ll have to talk to my guidance counselor and see. </p>
<p>@theskittlebug Thanks! I’m looking forward to Lang because I love writing. </p>
<p>@asianchica15 Thanks! </p>
<p>Those 3 APs usually aren’t offered to sophomores (except for World sometimes). I think that you’ll be fine since you’re just taking 5 classes. Biology is usually a freshman class, and most people (on CC at least) take Geometry as a freshman, as well
However, AP Art really does seem challenging. I’d say it’s your hardest AP. Most people don’t understand how difficult it actually is. Which portfolios will you be submitting?</p>
<p>Is taking the AP exams required at your school?</p>
<p>Good luck! Your schedule looks very rigorous, but also very impressive! :D</p>
<p>@LosingCrayon I don’t know! I think a lot of the class is studying different art works. I’ll see soon!</p>
<p>Yes AP exams are required. And thank you!</p>
<p>Ooh is it AP Studio Art or AP Art History? AP Art History is just studying well, the history of art xD AP Studio Art is like drawing and painting. At my school, sophomores can take AP Art History, but it’s a pretty hard class. Either way, good luck! :D</p>
<p>@LosingCrayon it’s AP Art History! Thank you! </p>