World Languages

This is more of an individual inquiry.
I have taken French 3 freshman year of high school and noticed the French 4 class is the exact same and feel that the French I have is more advanced (since i studied it for two years in the British system). So now, in sophomore year, I am in Spanish 1, however i do not enjoy Spanish as much. Additionally, I’m planning to take a much more rigorous roster of classes that same year and want to lessen the load a little by taking a language I am confident in, versus Spanish which would require way more work.
What would it look like to admissions officer if I go back to finish off my World Language credits with French 4 instead of Spanish 2? (since Spanish is more widely used in the US).

I doubt they will think much about it. You can talk about how much you love French in essays

Agreed. AFAIK, no college in the US specifies which foreign language an applicant needs to have studied prior to admission.

Thanks, now I have one less thing to think about.