<p>So I'm an international student here, and I'm at a top school in the US. Apparently this school is said to practice grade inflation too, but I havent seen any of it yet. :( I'm also tentatively a law school aspirant.
We've had two mid terms till now, and I haven't really done as well as I would have thought in them. I admit that one of the classes I am taking is a sophomore level class, which not many students do in my school, however, I still am annoyed at myself.</p>
<p>For the first mid term, I cut myself slack, because I'm new here, and obviously I needed time to settle down. I got a 81/100 in math, while the mean was an 86, and median a 91 (they only give numbers until the end, where we get a letter grade), and a B- in my soph level class, wayyy below the average (they give grades on a curve, I forgot what I got on this), and a B+ in required writing class.</p>
<p>By my second mid terms, I felt better settled in (I really felt lost during the first...still hadn't settled in yet) , and also better prepared. However, in my soph level class I only got a B+ with the curve with a 60.5/80 (missed A- by 2.5 marks, so annoying), and I haven't gotten the other two back yet. </p>
<p>I'm wondering, am I being too soft on myself? Is there something wrong I am doing? I don't think if I had studied more, it would have changed my result because I really feel like the mistakes I made this time were mostly silly mistakes and that the grading was harsh (I really expected a better score-- at least an A- ). </p>
<p>Is there a way to prepare for tests in america that I don't know about? Most people here seem to be so <em>not</em> stressed for tests, and seem to be able to study exactly what's coming on the test. I, otoh, find myself studying a lot of things from the book that are never even asked. :(
I feel like everything I do is futile, and I feel very depressed. I can't figure out what's wrong with me, should I be change the way I study/am i just not meant for american schooling..what? I can't figure out what's wrong. :(
any advice?</p>