Worried about my GPA and my chances (i'm sick)

<p>I am a currently Asian American junior in a very competitive Suburban HS in the Philadelphia area (we have 13 Cornells this year). </p>

<p>In the beginning of my Sophomore year, I was diagnosed with a neurological disorder in my spinal cord which causes my blood vessels around my body to constrict (including the ones around my heart and I almost died). I spent alot of time in the hospital. It causes so much pain that according to a recent study it is the most painful experience even ahead of giving birth of a child and amputation. This pain really handicaps me when listening to lectures, taking tests, etc. Most kids take 70-80 days off from school because of this, but I stayed resilient and not missed a single day. This causes my GPA to slip quite considerably compared to others who are applying to like 3.58. How much of a slack will GU give me???? My doctors have told me that I making some progress and that I should be better in the future (just not now).</p>

<p>Sophomore Grades
Honors English 10 B
Honors Analysis (precal) A
Honors American Studies (Gifted Program) B
Honors Chemistry A
Latin 2 A
Orchestra A</p>

<p>Junior Year Grades (the hardest courseload in school history despite being sick)
Accelerated English 11 A
AP Calculus BC B (even though im borderline USAMO student. I have gotten a 6 on AIME sophomore year and 7 on AIME Junior)
AP Chemistry B
AP US History B
Honors Physics A
Health A</p>

<p>Classes for Senior Year
AP English
AP biology
AP Physics 1,2
Public Speaking
AP Statistics
AP World History</p>

<p>Projected AP results: 4/5 (US History) 5 (Chemistry) 5 (Calc)
My SATs are fine (1500/1600) and my SAT IIs are great (im waiting for results in May and im sure i got mid-700 for US, high 700s for chem, and 800 for Math 2c)
Extracurriculars are typical: Newspaper editor, 3 years tennis, math team, volunteering</p>

<p>thanks for reading this and helping me!!!</p>