<p>I was stressed applying BA/MD programs and worry how to get admit.
I'm at the last stage going through all the interviews. Just filled out FAFSA.
Now, I'm really worry how my parents can afford to pay all the tuition, not just 3 or 4 yrs, but tons of money more than 7 years. Anyone has ideas how to pay.</p>
<p>Take out loans....it's your responsibility; don't burdern your parens. Also, first get admitted and then worry.</p>
<p>I'm planning on taking out lots in loans</p>
<p>Yup, loans. Obviously you want to reduce that as much as you can by working in the summers and saving money for when you eventually get to med school, but yeah...loans x_X</p>
<p>lol loans up the wazoo</p>
<p>If the EFC is too high, there are no financial aids. NO loans, is that right?
We got our student aid report back.</p>
<p>I think you may still be able to take out private loans- I think your high EFC means that the COLLEGE will give you less.</p>
<p>Yeah, you just need to get private loans. Tons of people (including me) are in that boat. All the low EFC thing is is that you get grant money and low interest loans.</p>
<p>If you don't mind the service commitment, the Army, Air Force and Navy all have programs that pay all of your tuition plus expenses during med school. You then match residencies through their programs and are paid as an officer during residency and the duration of your service commitment. </p>
<p>If you are interested in primary care, the federal govt. has similar programs that require that you practice for a few years in an underserved area as a primary care physician.</p>
<p>yea wobudong is right...theres tons of opportunites provided by the US government that could erase you entire debt with just 5 years of service in a federal organization (you get officer pay in regards to the army, navy, and air force)...if it comes to that with me, I'm tottally down for that, especially after my friend told me that his father just finally finished paying of med school debt at age 45</p>
<p>how much can people get in private loans? I know that incomes over 50K are in another EFC range, so what if someone has about a thousand over that and ends up paying like 35K a year? In that hypothetical case, how much in private loans would the person be able to get?</p>
<p>The bank helps out. If worse comes worse, sign up with the Army, national guard, etc. They'll pay off your college in return for service. Also, there are many other programs that will cover for you in return for service in underprivalleged areas.
Anyways, don't worry about it. Medical schools are known to be very, very helpful in giving out loans.
First get in, get the degree, then worry about how you will pay for it.</p>
<p>usually private loans you can take out alot, but you will most likely have to take it under your parents name if you need to get a lot of cash...</p>