<p>I am hosting my podcast, The Chris Seligmiller Show, and I've got a topic for an upcoming show.
"What was your worst high school experience?" Post your worst experience and your first name (or a made up name) and I'll put it on the air. Thanks!</p>
<p>Ha ha ha tthat remind sme of The Andy's Show on MTV. =] Hhhmmm worst high school experience? >/ Hhhmmmm [thinks] playing with my food and suddenly it oo;;;; "flew" onto a teacher's >>; head.</p>
It's probably not a funny experience for your show but i'll post anyway.</p>
<p>I am the captain of our girls first X1 Soccer team (varsity). It's one of the best in the nation and we are very cocky about it. Some may say we are snobby and too modest..
At break time, 9th graders were playing soccer. I was kinda walking down a hill, eating chocolate. The soccer ball landed near my feet and the boys were like, "here, pass it to us". As I was just about to kick, the ball started rolling down the hill. And so I ran down the hill trying to kick it. I kicked it but I slipped on the muddy part of the field. I should've fallen backwards but I somehow fell fowards, did 2 rolly poleys, and 1 mutated roly poly.. and then landed on my chest/head.</p>
<p>Everyone at the top of the hill obviously saw because they all started laughing. And people on the field near me saw, and laughed.
It was very embarassing. Oh and my chocolate pieces flew out of my hand. Thank god i was wearing black tights. I got a lot of crap from these weird gothy girls for about 2 weeks, saying that I was a piece of *****, captain of the "hottest soccer" (in high squeeky voice) team, etc.. (sarcastically)</p>
<p>The team even got ****ed at me because I put down the team's reputation lol
Geeeez it was only a fall! but it was so embarrasing! ehh high school experiences..</p>
<p>That was great (err... that was bad) I'll put it on the show.</p>