Worth Interviewing this late? And Chance Me!

<p>Miami is one of my top choice schools. I would very much like to attend there. I have gone on a tour of the campus as well as a regional informations session. Is it too late in the application process to try to get an on-campus interview? How much would that interview affect my application? Also, how do you sign up for an on-campus interview at University of MiamiI applied EA and submitted my application in October, 2011.</p>

<p>Just got into Tulane!</p>

<p>Chance Me while your at it:</p>

<p>3.0 GPA (Coming from a very demanding, competitive, and nationally ranked high school where that is considered a good/decent GPA)
30 ACT
1 AP (Difficult Prerequisites at my school. Also it's AP Psychology, which is considered one of the toughest classes at my school. However, I am doing very well in it.)
Doing very well this semester. 3.5s and 4.0s (At my school there are no As, Bs, Cs, it uses a 4.0 scale and you can only get grades in increments of .5)
Many Extra-Curricular Activities. I write for the school newspaper and am an editor of the school sports magazine. I am also a contributing writer to my town's E-Zine. Play numerous sports. I also have done community service.</p>

<p>Reason I did poorly: As a freshmen, my parents separated and are still going through a very strenuous divorce process. The situation affected me very negatively. Got back on track Junior Year and did very well and am continuing to do well Senior Year. Also applied to UMDCP, Delaware, OSU, UF as well as other schools.</p>

<p>I think your GPA is too low. But if you send in your better grades after this semester it might help.</p>

<p>UM doesn’t have formal interviews as far as I know (except for scholarship interviews) but I do remember that when I was applying they invited you to interview with an admissions officer in your area, but this was supposed to be for your own benefit, not in order to affect the admission process at all.</p>

<p>But, I don’t know, visiting campus and setting up a meeting with your rep and demonstrating your interest in UM might help.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>my gpa is the same as yours, and i got deferred from both Tulane and Miami only because of my SAT scores so you are probably fine if you got into Tulane</p>