UMiami vs. Emory

<p>Any opinions???</p>

<p>$$$$?????: Is there a difference? are you in a particular major?</p>

<p>undecided major, and Miami would not cost anything, but Emory would be about 22,000 in loans and some work it worth it?</p>

<p>This is from a parent's perspective...
I think your decision should be based on where you think your "fit" is. Have you visited either yet? Have you taken into consideration whether you wish to continue on after undergrad? A large amount of debt if you are considering a professional school later isn't something you really want to deal with. </p>

<p>As far as prestige, there is no denying that Emory is more prestigious as far as rankings for undergrad. Does that mean that you wouldn't get a perfectly good education at UM? No way.... My son did his undergrad at UM, and coincidentally now is at Emory for grad school. </p>

<p>Both of these schools are great choices, (congrats by the way!). Best of luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for your input. I am just confused...very confused.</p>

<p>DinDune: $O is $O.....vs $22,000/year? Miami FTW</p>

<p>I was in the same position last year; deciding between Miami for very little money or a more prestigious university for a lot of money. I fretted over my decision for the entire month of April. In the end I chose Miami and I couldn't be happier. In this economic time it is not worth taking out loans and adding a burden of needing to do work study if you have the option to go to a great school for free.<br>
Miami is also a Division 1 school and Emory is not. I did not think about the ability to go to sporting events when I was choosing a school but it is a lot of fun going to football, basketball and baseball games for free and a guaranteed seat. The atmosphere at games is great and it really boosts school spirit. Miami is also larger than Emory but not too big. We have the best of both worlds, we are a great research university where you will also be exposed to small classes taught mainly by professors.</p>

<p>New42 notes,"I was in the same position last year; deciding between Miami for very little money or a more prestigious university for a lot of money. I fretted over my decision for the entire month of April. In the end I chose Miami and I couldn't be happier. In this economic time it is not worth taking out loans and adding a burden of needing to do work study if you have the option to go to a great school for free. "</p>

<p>Response: Exactly. I couldn't have said it better.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input...I'd love to hear more if anyone is out there! Leaning towards Miami...but one parent not so much!</p>