<p>do you prefer girls from the same country you are from or would you like to experience something new to make friends from other nationalities?</p>
<p>would any of you guys choose foreign girls to be your girlfriend?</p>
<p>I <em>raises his left hand</em></p>
<p>white girl at my school:</p>
<li>Oh my god. This is like...oh my good. Did you see that? It was like hyelaroius.</li>
<p>Friend: Awwww, really?</p>
<p>She: Yah. By the way, your hair is like so pretty today. Ahh, my life sucks, I am so stressed out. This is b<strong><em>s</em></strong>.</p>
<p>Friend: Aww, what is going in on?</p>
<p>She: I do' know. It is like, my BOyfriend. He keeps calling me--it SO annoYing.</p>
<p>Friend: You have a bOyfriend? Is he like cute?</p>
<p>She: Oh my good, do ya wanna see his facebook?</p>
<p>Friend: yeah, that is so cool. Let's like look at facebook profiles this whole afternoon. Then we can go steven's house and like watch the OC.</p>
<p>She: Oh my good. let's totally do that. Argh, what did you do on spring break anyways?</p>
<p>Friend: I like went to this huge party and got really drunk--it was insane. But then I like just went home and talked on the phone and watched mtv--bOoring.</p>
<p>And you ask if any of us would chose foreign girls to be our girlfriend?????? </p>
<p>Now--which nationality? That is another story, but usually not mine.</p>
<p>Yea. A lot white girls just keeps talking, none stop. it's quite annoying</p>
<p>^change insane to AWEsome.
The reason why I wouldn't want to have relationships with girls from my country is because I would have to speak my first language, which I have grown dettached from. And there aren't many of them around, so...</p>
<p>I'm not a guy, but I do want to put in my 2 cents.</p>
<p>I'm really not surprised by the comments so far. If I acted like the way most of these girls act (getting drunk, hooking up with guys, lying to my parents, dressing slutty, etc.), my mother would throw me out of the house. I would also not be considered date-worthy since parents in my culture want girls with a good reputation.</p>
<p>Guys don't like girls who act like that and most foreign girls are not participants in Girls Gone Wild. They have morals and a sense of shame and they were brought up with a lot of things that most American girls don't have.</p>
<p>BTW, I am an American girl.</p>
<p>what does it have to do with being foreign or not foreign? if you like the girl, ask her out.</p>
<p>I would date a foreign guy, but only if we had similar goals (i.e. plan to live in the same country someday). The relationship wouldn't be going anywhere if one of us was a foreign exchange student and going far away in a few months. I would go out on dates in that case, but wouldn't be bf/gf.</p>
<p>The thing is most foreign students go back home during the winter and summer, and that's pretty nasty</p>
<p>Well, since I'm a girl I can't comment exactly on your question, but my last boyfriend was foreign, so I have a little input. I didn't date him because he was foreign, I dated him because I liked him. I mean, yes it helps that he was good-looking and dark-skinned and spoke fluent spanish and could dance really well, but those were just things I like in general, not something that attractive me to him exclusively. The only bad thing is that, now he's 2000 miles away from me in his home country (Honduras) and I miss him alot.</p>
<p>Btw, he and I were really good friends before we started dating, and I actually met alot of other foreign people through him (I'm Little Miss Whitebread USA, to be honest) which was really interesting. It's cool to think that you know people from all different places.... Russia, France, Brazil, etc.</p>
Guys don't like girls who act like that and most foreign girls are not participants in Girls Gone Wild. They have morals and a sense of shame and they were brought up with a lot of things that most American girls don't have.
<p>Yeah, there's a large section of the men's anti-marriage movement that actually advocates marriage to a foreign woman (FW) as opposed to an American woman (AW). Of course, within that set, there are those to say that if you do marry an FW, go live with her in her country, and don't make the mistake of bringing her back to America where she'll turn out just like one of those AW's you described.</p>
BTW, I am an American girl.
<p>The fact that you can be an American woman and still realize that makes you something out of the ordinary. A large number of individuals in the men's movement realize that there are good American women out there who would be fine wives, but unfortunately, its too difficult to tell which ones are good, and the penalties of making a bad choice are enormous! (sadly, a portion of people in that movement believe that ALL American women are evil, but they are outliers, and on the boards I used to participate in, they were actually mostly talked down by others, including myself)</p>
Guys don't like girls who act like that and most foreign girls are not participants in Girls Gone Wild. They have morals and a sense of shame and they were brought up with a lot of things that most American girls don't have.</p>
<p>BTW, I am an American girl.
<p>Way to go helping make yourself look good by trashing on other women! As for "morals" and "good reputation", there is some good reading on whore/madonna syndrom you clearly have yet to get to. It's just fantastic how young girls get pressured into making themselves sexual objects for men, then punished for doing that exact thing - oftentimes, from other girls who try and create an advantage for themselves by contrasting THEIR "reputation" with that of those "other" girls.</p>
<p>I'm an international female with friends from both the international student population and the domestic population (USA). I feel I get very exoticized by Americans, at times: as if I am this curios thing to be observed much like an event. That attitude disappears as they get to know me better, yes, but it is still there and I understand it to be even more common with asian girls - it bothers me how people are reduced and commodified down to their features. I want some strawberry milkshake! I want an asian girl! </p>
<p>Many of us are intelligent, self-sufficient individuals in our own right, and don't appreciate being belittled and commodified. It's not flattering as much as it is disrespectful.</p>
<p>My serious relationships have been about half and half: half American, half foreign. And then there have been Americans of recent foreign descent among those numbered American.</p>
<p>With foreign women, I often found a groundedness that I somehow couldn't find with many American women, partly perhaps a kind of sense of shame and respectfulness (not really morals), but not only this. And I found a lot of fun.</p>
<p>For me, other than the usual stuff (attraction, being interesting, fun), what's most important is to have someone who loves life and values good friendships and warm community. I simply find that more with foreign women. No offense to American women, of whom my sister and mother number. </p>
<p>My current girlfriend (soon to be wife) is Brazilian. But we met here in the US and will stay here, though there is a large Brazilian community with which we connect. I am someone whose always had a lot of friends, but I think we live really disconnected lives often in America. I don't find this as much at all within the Brazilian community. I guess one example of a difference is that you can go to a really fairly rowdy Brazilian party and there are children there as well as old people. That almost never happens with American friends. No one would invite old people to their parties. And children would be a nuisance under foot. I like it that everyone shows up. I like it that there is this rich community. Everybody needs friends and communities; our society doesn't offer up as much, IMO. So a part of my being attracted to foreign women is being attracted to those whose lives are thus enriched.</p>
<p>I have lived a fair amount of time overseas and have a lot of friends who have married non-American women. I think a lot of American men feel that American women expect too much (just as I imagine the inverse happens as well). And then there are those who simply like the exotic, both men and women.</p>
<p>My last two serious girlfriends were American, and of course there are many American women who make great partners.</p>
<p>Most of all, though, I like nakedgirls.</p>
Way to go helping make yourself look good by trashing on other women! As for "morals" and "good reputation", there is some good reading on whore/madonna syndrom you clearly have yet to get to. It's just fantastic how young girls get pressured into making themselves sexual objects for men, then punished for doing that exact thing - oftentimes, from other girls who try and create an advantage for themselves by contrasting THEIR "reputation" with that of those "other" girls.</p>
<p>I'm an international female with friends from both the international student population and the domestic population (USA). I feel I get very exoticized by Americans, at times: as if I am this curios thing to be observed much like an event. That attitude disappears as they get to know me better, yes, but it is still there and I understand it to be even more common with asian girls - it bothers me how people are reduced and commodified down to their features. I want some strawberry milkshake! I want an asian girl! </p>
<p>Many of us are intelligent, self-sufficient individuals in our own right, and don't appreciate being belittled and commodified. It's not flattering as much as it is disrespectful.
<p>I think you got me all wrong here. I don't want girls to become sexual objects and the fact that our society glorifies the behavior of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton makes me sick. </p>
<p>What does your features have anything to do with my post? I highly respect those young women that have not given into the temptation of our society to be a "bad girl" and I highly respect you. I wish there were more women who would stand up to the way they are being sexualized in rap music videos and lyrics. </p>
<p>HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY CULTURE. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW MY NATIONALITY. Yeah, I can't blame those parents who want their son to marry someone who hasn't been sleeping with 50 gazillion guys and has her ass and boobs hanging out of her clothes. They want a girl who has self-respect. </p>
<p>Frankly, I don't give a rat's behind if you do Girls Gone Wild or whatever, because it's your life and you are responsible for your own choices. </p>
<p>I didn't mean to offend you as that was not my purpose. I think you misunderstood me here and I should be owed an apology. There was no need for your vicious attack on me since you CLEARLY did not understand my point. (Since when did I treat you as a commodity!?) You also should take into account, that whatever I post is my opinion, and since it is that, I do not deserve to be bullied by you or anyone else just because my post doesn't reflect your opinions. </p>
<p>Vail, was your post out of sarcasm or seriousness?</p>
<p>Since I didn't have time to edit this, I just wanted to say that young girls who are pressured to be sexual objects to men ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the college girls around here that get drunk, and have sex with a lot of guys, and wears extremely revealing clothes. I don't compare my life to the young women who are forced to be sex slaves since that's not something they chose to do. Having multiple sex partners, getting drunk, and doing stupid things on camera is obviously a PERSONAL choice and I HAVE THE RIGHT to compare myself and what choices I MAKE to those girls and what the choices THEY MAKE. This is all human nature, maybe you should brush up on your social psychology.</p>
<p>Nice smear tactic, but there's a huge difference and I'm calling you out on this one.</p>
<p>I never meant to respond to anyone, just put in my 2 cents and move on to another thread; so your hostile, rude, and defaming posts will not be read.</p>
<p>I like girls who think like smurfgirl here.</p>
<p>BedHead and his comment... :D.</p>
Vail, was your post out of sarcasm or seriousness?
<p>Seriousness of course, I agree with what you said. I find those 'wild n' crazy' women you described to be completely unattractive. Congrats for standing up for morals, not reading out of the neo-feminist play book (trashing it as you went along was an added bonus), and recognizing that many of the dumb choices people make (especially regarding the topic at hand) are their own choices!</p>
I find those 'wild n' crazy' women you described to be completely unattractive.
<p>Well, for a meaningful relationship.</p>
<p>**"I'm really not surprised by the comments so far. If I acted like the way most of these girls act (getting drunk, hooking up with guys, lying to my parents, dressing slutty, etc.), my mother would throw me out of the house. I would also not be considered date-worthy since parents in my culture want girls with a good reputation.</p>
<p>Guys don't like girls who act like that and most foreign girls are not participants in Girls Gone Wild. They have morals and a sense of shame and they were brought up with a lot of things that most American girls don't have."**</p>
<p>You have watched way too much crappy TV (and are unduly influenced by it) and/or know too many of the wrong type of people.</p>
<p>There are plenty of American girls (of all races/ethnicities) who don't act like the mindless trollops that the media likes to promote.</p>
<p>As for foreign girls - while there are those who are "more traditional/conservative" - there are plenty who are just as "laissez-fair" as American girls (if not more so - since much of the world doesn't share America's prudish attitudes towards sex and nudity).</p>
<p>Thanks Vail. I never intended to post more responses, but I got an email notification and I realized that I was being attacked (maybe by accident?).</p>
<p>And manutd: I'm single ;) lol</p>
You have watched way too much crappy TV (and are unduly influenced by it) and/or know too many of the wrong type of people.</p>
<p>There are plenty of American girls (of all races/ethnicities) who don't act like the mindless trollops that the media likes to promote.</p>
<p>As for foreign girls - while there are those who are "more traditional/conservative" - there are plenty who are just as "laissez-fair" as American girls (if not more so - since much of the world doesn't share America's prudish attitudes towards sex and nudity).
<p>Actually, I don't watch Laguna Beach and The OC so I'm sorry but you're wrong. Those types of shows make my IQ drop 15 points. Also, I don't associate with those types of people since the people I hang around with believe in the same ideals as me. Many older adults have a ton of respect for the way I live my life, and I really don't care what your opinion is of me and how I live my life.</p>
<p>Obviously if you think girls here are that innocent, you haven't experienced college life or you're living under a rock and haven't seen the myspace and facebook pictures. (I've seen 14 year old girls pose in their bra and underwear.) Granted, NOT ALL girls are like this, but girls like me who do not underage drink, wear revealing clothes, have sex with random guys, lie to their parents and are in college (and are basically innocent to boot) are a rarity here.</p>