would any of you guys choose foreign girls to be your girlfriend?

Well, for a meaningful relationship.


<p>Feh, to each his own. But do STDs mean anything to you?</p>

Thanks Vail.


<p>Np, thank you. And IIRC, you defended/agreed with me in some other topic on CC, so thanks again!</p>

Feh, to each his own. But do STDs mean anything to you?


<p>No, they don't.</p>

<p>Feminism: standing up for the village ho against the mob. Nuff said.</p>

<p>Foreign girls are fine by me...</p>

<p>Yup I will, but sadly it depends on nationality for me :(</p>

<p>If from western europe (etc Italy), or South America (think Brazil), than Yes.</p>

<p>This thread is judgmental and ridiculous. Are you honestly going to reject someone based on his or her nationality? I don't say this often, but I'm honestly disgusted.</p>

<p>I'm Swedish; I've also lived in Russia for four years, Belgium for four, and the US for six. I attend an international high school, and my best friends are from Lebanon, Russia, India, El Salvador, and the US, among others. My hair is more brown than blonde, and I do not bear any resemblance whatsoever to Victoria Silvstedt [I think she's the most famous Swedish Playboy model?]. I would hate for anyone to judge me or anyone else -- positively or negatively! -- based on things like these, and I'm shocked and disappointed to see that some of you might.</p>

<p>Most white girls are vapid. They have the gift of life and they neglect it in favor of getting drunk and wasting their time not studying.</p>


<p>(I am speechless.)</p>

But yea, I don't mind dating foreign girls.</p>

<p>DeluxeHardballer: Most white boys are vapid. They have the gift of life and they neglect it in favor of getting drunk and wasting their time not studying.</p>

<p>Cameliasinensis is right. Most of this thread is made up of gross generalizations. I don't categorize people by their race, ethnicity, or nationality. "White girls" aren't all one way, nor are white boys, Asian girls or any other group defined by color and gender. Seriously, you guys...I thought CCers were more mature than the kind of posts that have shown up on this thread.</p>

<p>Definitely. Not only is this thread racist in its overgeneralizations, it also exoticizes and commodifies women of "Other" cultures (American girls "demand too much" - too much what? equality? someone please qualify this statement). This thread also seems to have a lot of taste as to what kind of "woman" is proper and pleasurable to consume, and what type of behaviors white women display (not white men, of course - men are persons and not under the same moral scrutiny we condemn women to) making them unconsumable. </p>

<p>Men are (of course) absent in this discussion, but I am guessing that these same behaviors that American/white girls display are things we almost take for granted or at least do not condemn in adolescent males. Are we to understand exoticized women are more desirable than American ones because the latter take too much liberties reserved for men?</p>

<p>lavendercloud, this is definitely not the first thread like this at CC. It's really weird, yeah. I wonder why quasi-racism is so accepted at a forum supposedly visited by decently educated, intelligent people.</p>

<p>There are b!tches everywhere in the world. I fear that some of you here are just a few steps away from ordering a bride from Vietnam.</p>

<p>Suweet! I'd take a bride that I couldn't talk to over a woman that talks too much any day.</p>

<p>hey guys,
i'm sorry to see that some of the white girls have misunderstood this topic. i never mean to make girls exosticized or ....to post something racial. i just want to see if boys prefer girls from the same country( not necessarily USA) because this may help them better communicate or girls from defferent cultures who may bring them freshness and something they havent experienced before.
if this has leaded to any trouble or unpleasant stuff, i apologize.</p>

<p>No offense taken here. It's a fair question, but I was disturbed by some of the replies.</p>

<p>smurfgirl -</p>

Actually, I don't watch Laguna Beach and The OC so I'm sorry but you're wrong. Those types of shows make my IQ drop 15 points. Also, I don't associate with those types of people since the people I hang around with believe in the same ideals as me. Many older adults have a ton of respect for the way I live my life, and I really don't care what your opinion is of me and how I live my life.


<p>Obviously, by virtue of the fact that you are aware of these shows and "Girls Gone Wild" indicates that your viewpoint has been influenced by such media images.</p>

<p>And if Americans girls were all or predominantly like you generalized - how in ever were you able to find people who have the same ideals as yourself?</p>

<p>My opinion wasn't about how you lived your life (why should I care about that?) - but your rather superficial generalization about American girls.</p>

Obviously if you think girls here are that innocent, you haven't experienced college life or you're living under a rock and haven't seen the myspace and facebook pictures. (I've seen 14 year old girls pose in their bra and underwear.) Granted, NOT ALL girls are like this, but girls like me who do not underage drink, wear revealing clothes, have sex with random guys, lie to their parents and are in college (and are basically innocent to boot) are a rarity here.


<p>Right - and myspace and facebook are totally representative of life in America.</p>

<p>It's not like girls (and guys) in Europe, Asia and Latin America don't also do all of the things you describe about American girls.</p>

<p>In England, women are known for tossing quite a few pints and staggering home after the bars close (with time spent upchucking on the sidewalk being not uncommon); in Scandinavia, women are less inhibited about casual sex (sex before marriage); in Ibiza and other Mediterranean resorts, women are known to get quite sloshed and the mode of dress on the beach is to go topless; in many parts of Latin America, women wear almost nothing on the beaches; in Japan, schoolgirls have been known to prostitute themselves for high-end handbags; in the urban centers of China, relationships/sex before marriage has become accepted as the norm.</p>

<p>And of course there are plenty of women/girls from these places who do not fit these generalizations, but that is also true for here as well.</p>

<p>It seems to me that YOU are one that has been living under a rock.</p>

Suweet! I'd take a bride that I couldn't talk to over a woman that talks too much any day.


<p>Just b/c a foreigner can't speak English (and many can) doesn't mean they can't/won't talk in their native language (and some of the languages can be shrill to the Western ear).</p>

<p>I don't need your sympathy k&s because I'm going to marry a guy who has the same nationality as me and has the same beliefs. </p>

<p>And believe whatever the heck you want to believe, because you don't even know who I am. </p>

<p>I'm happy with my life and I'm sucessful, and people like you who hide behind their internet anonymity aren't going to affect my viewpoints and intimidate me.</p>

<p>So I'm done with this thread and if you want to respond to me, go ahead, because you're just going to be talking to a wall. </p>

<p>Thanks to the OP for letting me share my .002 cents without passing judgement on me and I wish you all the best finding a soulmate and living a happy and sucessful life.</p>

<p>Frankly, I don't care about your life (or whom you marry).</p>

<p>What I do care about is you promulgating an unfair and superficial stereotype about American women - in which others who read it may get an erroneous impression.</p>

<p>Btw, aren't you conveniently hiding in your anonymity while you indict and pass judgment on American women/girls?</p>