<p>the test looks like a piece of cake, but it costs over $150 to take it</p>
<p>would the certification mean anything? i know a bunch of people that have it, so i'm thinking that it might not be worth anything to colleges</p>
<p>the test looks like a piece of cake, but it costs over $150 to take it</p>
<p>would the certification mean anything? i know a bunch of people that have it, so i'm thinking that it might not be worth anything to colleges</p>
<p>I highly doubt it means much in terms of admissions. I wouldn't spend $150 to get a certification saying that you know basic things about computers, it's just not worth it. Unless you plan on getting a job somewhere that requires one.</p>
<p>Unless you want a job or something, then don't take it. Unless you have 150 dollars to spare.</p>