<p>I took the Math 1 last spring. I made the decision to switch from chem to it the night before. I also was sick but didn’t want to waste the money. I thought I did decent but I ended up with a 620. I know they don’t accept both of them as two different subject tests and I took the Math II which I actually planned on taking and studied for it, and I got a 790. Do I have to be concerned about the Math I? Or will they just ignore it. I have a SAT 1 score of a 780 so they shouldn’t be really concerned hopefully and know that it was more of a practice and I wasn’t as serious about it as the other tests.</p>
<p>Have you taken other subject tests?</p>
<p>If not then they’ll look at both maybe >_>
In any case, I think Brown takes the top 2 SAT II scores.</p>
<p>Also, you might want to try to ACT too. Its only one test and Brown accepts it in lieu of the SATs</p>
<p>Brown might also like it if you had taken more than just the math tests, even though your math record is so good. Brown likes diversity in one’s résumé.</p>
<p>I’m taking the U.S. History in December. Thanks for the replies.</p>