<p>Does the west coast get Form B or the east coast?</p>
<p>Would the MC/FR are entirely different for both sets of exam? </p>
<p>Does the west coast get Form B or the east coast?</p>
<p>Would the MC/FR are entirely different for both sets of exam? </p>
<p>Neither gets Form B, they both get Form A. Europe tends to get Form B.</p>
<p>The Form B and Form A FR questions are entirely different. I haven't seen the MC questions for Form B, but I would imagine they are different as well.</p>
<p>How one can avoid cheating then? This does does not make sense</p>
<p>The West Coast starts their exam before the East Coast finishes theirs.</p>
<p>So as long as proctors are not allowing cell phone / computer use during the break between the Multiple Choice vs. Free Response questions, the questions should remain secure.</p>