Would good grades compensate for moderate test scores?

I am one of the worst test takers there is. I want to go to an ivy league school. My composite SAT is 1970. However, I have gotten straight A’s in all my classes throughout my entire high school career. This year, I’m taking 8 AP/college level classes and one honors course and I got straight A’s this semester. I spent a lot of time on my essays and the quality of writing compares to that of sample essays I’ve read of students who have gotten in. I also have stellar recommendation letters and I am involved in 10 extracurricular clubs and activities. Would all this compensate for my relatively low SAT score compared to ivy league standards?


IMO if you have good outstanding essays and/or possibly URM status then you might still have a chance. 2000 = 90 percentile.

and by outstanding essay I mean:
A) easy and simple to read
B) stresses qualities colleges want in students (helping society, passion for learning, good morals, etc.)
C) makes you come off likable.

I think you’re not getting replies simply because there are so many variables.

Grades help, show that your another example of how tests cant accurately judge someone.

The amount of ecs doesnt matter as much as leadership positions nd hours put in nd awards won

Unfortunately, that test score WILL hurt you because practically all ivy leaguers have 4.0s or near 4.0s but pretty high test scores. They also all have lots of good ecs. When it comes down to it, they might overlook your scores if you have that uniqueness, but if your like most students (common ecs) then it doesnt look as good as you coulda made it.