Would I be a good candidate for GS?

<p>Hi, I've recently finished all my paperwork for applying to GS and I was wondering what my chances are for getting in. (Preferably, as judged by people who are attending or have been accepted.)</p>

<p>High school was a bleak time in my life: poor grades as far as that goes.
SAT's were taken 5 years ago and I scored 610 reading, 570 math, 480 writing</p>

<p>Today at 22 years of age I have a GPA of 3.93 at my Community College, I am a member of the PTK honor society, graduating with honors, and nominated for outstanding student in English.</p>

<p>I've taken two years off from the world of academia between high school and the community college I go to now because of puerile rebelliousness coupled with a disintegrating family.</p>

<p>How do you guys think I would fair? </p>

<p>Another question is: How important are the SAT scores; should I retake them, or explain in my optional essay as to the reasoning for why they were so low?</p>