Would I be possibly Rescinded?

<p>Some rumors are going around that if your grade significantly drops during 2nd semester, you might be rescinded... but no one really knows what significantly means.</p>

<p>So say I'm a 4.0 student and for 2nd semester I end up (worst case possible) with 2 A's and 4 B's (or heck 2 A's 3 B's and 1 C but judge the previous).</p>

<p>Just for more details, I was accepted to College of Engineering with the Major: EECS.</p>

<p>Probably would be able to pull everything to an A, but just in case...</p>

<p>Thanks (response from those who made it with similar situations would be great :D)</p>

<p>I doubt it… as long as you get the required 3.0 UC GPA, you’ll be fine. Just aim for those B’s to be safe :).</p>

<p>My GPA was 3.9x before second semester. I got four Bs and two As second semester. I’m pretty sure you just need that 3.0.</p>