Would I fit into CALS Cornell?

<p>This is from my previous chance thread, but I'd specifically like to know
I would fit into CALS Cornell - and if so, what major would fit me best?
Most interested in AEM, but I don't look much like a business-oriented student..
and if anyone knows where to find acceptance rates for individual majors at CALS, that'd
be great.</p>

GPA: 3.75 UW - this is low, I know. (estimate, it would fall somewhere in the high 3.7 range)</p>

<p>My high school is considered "top 15" in the nation(4,7,11 not in that order),
BUT offers limited AP options pre-senior year - I was unable to take AP Calc BC given that
my average was below a 95 and thus also unable to take AP Chemistry that year.
I'm now taking 3 APs, which unfortunately is as many as are allowed for this year.
(AP Statistics, AP Calc and AP Bio.)</p>

<p>Ranking: Top 10%
ACT: 35 (32 Math, 36 Science, 35 Reading, 35 English, 8 on essay)
SAT: 2170
SAT IIs: 710 Biology, 730 U.S. History, 720 Physics
& a relatively embarrassing math II score. May not even submit these.
- Chinese School TA - 2 years
- Varsity Swimming - 4 years, lettered in 3 (going for 4 this winter)
- Lifeguarding for ~3 years, one during school year.
- Piano - 4 years + many pre-HS years
- Summer programs for engineering
- Experimental research experience - sophomore year (Won some Envi Sci Award)
- Club Swimming - 4 years + many before
- NMSQT Commended Scholar - NJ
- NHS member
- Technology Student Association BSG Achievements
- TSA 4th Nationals, 2nd States (Electronic Game Design)
- Web Design, digital art, etc.
- Volunteer Hours (~300)
- Other stuff maybe? Nothing significant comes to mind atm. </p>

<p>Essay(s): Decent so far...
Recommendations: 1 STEM teacher, 1 World Language teacher (Same teacher for 3 years, knows me very well). Probably very good.
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Applying to:
-Cornell CALS
-Northeastern University
-TCNJ for Optometry program (may change school - will be SUNY-affiliated opt.)
-Drexel University
-Rutgers Business, Pharm program.
-University of Maryland

<p>Berkeley, Dartmouth, and Cornell are all Mid to High Reaches due to low grades. Tufts is a low reach as well. For you to say that your school offers limited AP options only because you had too low of an average to take them is a poor excuse.</p>

<p>My school only has AP Chem, Bio, Physics, Calc, and Stat. Bio, Physics, and Stat are only available senior year, and only one science AP is allowed senior year. As I said, with my low GPA(which I know is my fault, never said otherwise), I wasn’t able to take Chem or AP Calc; at other schools in the area a <95 gradewise wouldn’t have been damning.</p>

<p>Yes, it’s not the best excuse, but it explains why I only have 3 APs for senior year. I don’t plan on actually putting that down on my app or anything.</p>

<p>Thanks for the chancing.</p>

<p>I think that your top schools are all only low reaches… Your class rank makes up for a slightly low GPA and your ACT is great.</p>

<p>Even for Cornell? Hmm, thanks for the input~</p>