Would I get rescinded from UCB if I dropped a class?

I’m taking Linear Algebra at a local community college, but because of the COVID-19, all classes have moved online. This is a problem for me because I don’t understand the material if the teacher isn’t actively teaching it. (My teacher put all the notes online and opened his email for questions - we aren’t using Zoom or anything like that.) Khan Academy is helpful but it doesn’t cover all the material.

If I dropped the class, I’d have a W on my transcript. If I don’t drop the class, I could probably get a C or maybe a low B if I suddenly get blessed with “teach-myself” skills.

I did put on my application that I was taking Linear Algebra, so I’d have to contact UCB to let them know if I drop.

Would they rescind me for dropping?

help please

I would drop the class unless you get approval from UCB. One C or B will not be an issue since you already admitted but dropping the class now without checking with UCB first will be an issue.