Would LOVE A Good Essay Scorer

<p>I would love some help with my SAT essays since I can't afford the fancy tutors to proof read them and grade them. </p>

<p>Topic: Is compromise the best way to deal with a problem? </p>

<p>"Let's compromise". That phrase has been said by almost everyone at some point in his or her life. Generally, we think that compromise is the best way to end an argument, both parties win some and lose some. But compromise, though a nice idea, has a record of failure too large to ignore. Compromise only leads to more conflict later on and therefore is a terrible way to end an arguement. </p>

<p>In the mid-1930s, Adolf Hitler was out to take over the world. The League of nations believed that a dictator like Hitler could be stopped with a compromise. In a policy that became known as "appeasement", the League gave Czechkoslovakia to Hitler in exchange for his "promise" not to invade anymore nations. Hitler, being the ruthless tyrant that he was, went back in his promise and invaded Poland in 1939 all the while torturing Czech citizens. Compromise only delayed World War 2 and raised its stakes. </p>

<p>The failure of compromise is not an isolated incident. A Newsweek study also confirms that compromise is not the way to deal with a pressing issue. A group of toddlers were studied over the course of several years. Those with parents who "compromised" on issues; for example, they let kids eat ice cream before dinner if the kids promised to eat their vegetables, only demanded more and more as the years went on. The kids with firm "no compromise" parents ended up being much more well behaved then their "compromise" counterparts. Compromising led to poor behavior and problems in the future. </p>

<p>The only way to truly solve an argument is by firm decision. In ante-bellum America, many compromises were thought up in order to contain slavery to the South. For example, the Compromise of 1820 set the 36th parallel as the "slave line" below which slavery was legal. But Congress became imbalanced toward the North and the Compromise of 1850 allowed new states to choose their slave status by popular vote. By 1860, the South declared that they would suceed if Lincoln became president. Lincoln was elected and it took the Civil War to end the conflict over slavery. The compromises couldn't hold the country together. </p>

<p>All throughout history, we have been the victims of bad compromises. From ruthless dictators to greedy toddlers, life is full of situations that need to be decided firmly. Compromise simply cannot solve all problems, but it can sometimes aggravate the conflict further. </p>

<p>Please score and tell me where I can improve.</p>

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