<p>Ok, so my family has never been the closest knit bunch ever. We have our moments, but it's been very scattered through my life. However, my sister has always stood out as being an inpertinate, ungrateful little punk well above what the normal teenage girl should be (sorry females). She's always had constant fits, and has caused my family so much strife and grief because of it. It is because of this, I have taken more of a role of an offspring, doing more around the house, spending more time with my family, etc. I believe my sister's "actions" have always kept me on the other side of the line of morals, and she has taught me how not to act and how I should go about my life to be a good, helpful person to society.</p>
<p>Obviously that isn't a direct line from an essay, that is just how I feel. But would this topic be ok, or does it spew "sob story" all over it? Is it kind of generic?</p>