Would UCLA Rescind?: Admitted Transfer Forgot to Report Courses

Admitted UCLA transfer here. I forgot to report two courses in my application, and just submitted an academic changes report. Now I’m kinda freaking out over it, so I guess I’m looking for anyone with similar stories. Here’s what I wrote:

"I recently noticed two credits on my current university transcript that I did not report on my initial application:

2021 FALL

NevadaFIT: 1 credit, pass/fail (passed)

Honors First-Year Experience: 1 credit, pass/fail (passed)

NevadaFIT was added to my record automatically because I participated in a week-long freshman orientation. Honors First-Year Experience was a weekly overview of the history/workings of my university’s honors program, and was a requirement for all honors students.

These credits are on my record purely for my current university’s bookkeeping, and are entirely non-academic.

While I did not report these credits in my initial application, I received a request for supplemental information from UC admissions at some point, and submitted my unofficial transcripts that did include them.

These credits are filed under my freshman year. As far as I know, I am still well below the max credit threshold for junior transfer."

Is this a thing UCLA rescinds over?

These courses look like they are not UC Transferable so probably not an issue and not something that should jeopardize your acceptance. Just wait to hear from UCLA to confirm or call them directly.


Why would they rescind over two courses that you took and passed? Am I missing somehting?

The admission contract does say that my acceptance could be in jeopardy if my official record doesn’t match what was on my application. I’m pretty sure that’s mostly targeted towards people who intentionally lie to cover up bad grades, but I reported my mistake just to be sure.

But I just heard back from admissions yesterday, and my acceptance still stands.


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