Would You Choose to Be Black Again?

<p>Probably. I’m fine with my ethnicity…</p>


<p>Honestly when I was younger, I always wondered what it would be like to be white. But now that I’ve gotten older and matured, I’ve come to love my ethnicity. So I would definitely stay black :)</p>

<p>A couple weeks ago, for the first time in my life I thought “What if I were white?” I’m nearly 20 and that thought’s never crossed my mind but I was having a conversation with someone and it came up. Now I’m pretty imaginative, but I just COULD NOT picture myself as being white. I wouldn’t change it for the world.</p>

<p>I never noticed it but so much about myself, my determination, motivation, the way I think about things, how I make a very conscious effort to treat everyone equally, how I want people to be uplifted, how I know I won’t fail at anything I set my mind too etc, is tied into being Black. To me it’s just much more than a skin color or a nuisance. Yeah there’s some bad that society associates with it - that’s gonna be the case whether I’m born white, latino, asian or aboriginal. Haha you know that saying “I love being Black, but it’s not easy.”</p>

<p>After i look around my school at all the cute little couples and feel myself splintering inside?
or open my history textbook?
or hear one more insensitive comment?
Or worry about how black women are portrated in my school?
forget about it-- I’ll be a realist before this year my answer would be yes, i would be black again but today,
forget about it. hell no.</p>

<p>The chance to be able to cuss your parents out, have your parents leave you home alone for a week and allow you to throw house parties, being sent to Time Out, and letting your dog kiss you in the mouth does sound fun! lmao</p>

<p>prettty funny

<p>I’d choose to be black again, but to have more interest in my Haitian culture and not to get sidetracked by unnecessary adulation of cultures and individuals that delighted in my debasement or that of my people. If I was younger, I’d love to have the same conception (or something even remotely similar) of my blackness as I do now. But I wouldn’t elect to be of any other ethnicity. Not now, or ever.</p>

<p>"There’s never been a better time to be a black man in the United States, hell, the world. "</p>

<p>Bayhawk, I might be misunderstanding you, but I think there’s never been a better time for YOU to be black man, but the statistics for most black men suggest other stories.</p>

<p>29.4% of African American males born in 1991 will spend some time in their lifetime incarcerated (Department of Justice).</p>

<p>The number one cause of death for 15-24 year old black males is homicide (2004 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)</p>

<p>Black men in the United States have the shortest life expectancy (69.5 years) of all other racial and ethnic groups – averaging over six years less than white men who live 75.7 years (2005 National Center for Health Statistics)</p>

<p>Unemployment among black males is higher than any other population at 14.1% (Bureau of Labor, January 2009).</p>

<p>Over seventy percent of black children in America are raised by in parent households where no father is present (National Center for Health Statistics, 2007).</p>

<p>I would definitely choose to be black again, it just suits me so well ;).
Also, I don’t think being white would necessarily be easier because while there isn’t much racism against white people, there’s white classism. Being white and WEALTHY…maybe. But being white in the same socioeconomic position I’m in now, I don’t think so.</p>

<p>Provided that I would have been black once before, no, I probably wouldn’t. It’s not because of the racism or setbacks that I may experience because I’m black, but rather because of the fact that I wouldn’t mind experiencing something new.
If I had a choice from the very beginning to be black or not, idk if I’d specifically choose to be black, but I would have no problem whatsoever being black. If I could change my race right now, however, I wouldn’t.</p>