Would you go to your safteY?

I personally really like the saftey schools I picked out and wouldnt have a problem with attending there, any one else like me or did you just pick any school you know you’ll get into? I just wanted to make sure I’ll be happy somewhere- so I picked like 4/5 saftey/matches and 2 semi/reaches, and one real reach.

<p>I had plans for 1 reach, 2 matches, 1 safety. My safety school was going to pay me to come (full ride with spending money), but I would not have come. It was more for my parents. Thankfully I got into my reach, Columbia, through ED. I think my safety would have been terrible. It was University of Alabama just so you know.</p>

<p>I'm in a similar situation as you, michelec. I'm applying to two safeties, two matches, one slight reach, and one big reach. One of the safeties is in my hometown, and, if I choose to go there, I'd actually end up being paid to attend, which doesn't sound absolutely horrible. It's not a terrible school, so I wouldn't feel like a complete failure if I went there. The other school is a women's college that seems to have a lot of resources, particularly with study abroad and internship opportunities, so I think I'd be happy there, too.</p>

<p>I'd be pretty nervous if my safeties weren't schools that I can actually picture myself attending. Of course, I'd rather attend one of my non-safeties, but I'd be okay with one of the two safeties as well.</p>

<p>....the safeties i have aren't really schools i wanna go to. The programs they have are great and everything, but the atmospheres just aren't what i want. But my counselor tells me that my profile is good enough not to use those safety schools, but being the pessimist i am, i am somewaht dubious of her judgement. i can see myself living there, but not nearly as happily as i would be at my match / reach schools (cuz my safeties are MUCH larger than i want)</p>

<p>People think ending up at a safety school would be the worst thing ever, but I think that you could learn to adapt to pretty much every school and be reasonalby happy there. I applied to 3 safeties and I can see myself being happy at two of them... I hope to god that doesn't happen, though lol</p>

<p>I kinda know what you mean, Ariesdrgn. One of my two safeties, the one that's in my hometown, would provide an adequate education, but, as I've explained to a few friends, there's nothing special about it; it's the school that most of my school's graduating class ends up at. While I think I'd be able to find enough opportunities for challenging myself if I went there, they wouldn't be as abundant as if I went to a school where the standards are higher.</p>

<p>I tend to go from the attitude of "my safeties are fine and I'd be perfectly happy there" to "I hope everything works out with one of my preferred schools because I don't want to have to settle for a safety" very quickly. Kind of annoying.</p>

<p>My biggest rule of thumb was to not apply to any school where I couldn't see myself and be happy attending.</p>

<p>I have 2 safeties, 2 matches, and 3 reaches.</p>

<p>I would be very happy at my safety...but I am not gonna be going there. So, meh. Either way, it works out well.</p>

<p>Why would you apply to more than one safety? If they're actually safe then you don't need more... right?</p>

<p>Well, birdofprey, I don't know about everyone else, but I applied to two safeties because those two schools are very different. One is a state school, pretty large, not a very personal atmostphere, but it's in my hometown and I would get a full ride and state lottery money and such if I went there. The other safety, however, is a private school that is a lot smaller and more personal, but it's a women's college, which is something I'm not sure that I'm crazy about. I'm applying to two safeties for the same reason that I'm applying to two semi-matches and two reaches: to increase my options once April rolls around.</p>

<p>Yea, I want to keep my options open, I need to be able to (in april or may) have a variety of schools to pick from (and have a choice of price ranges). IE- one saftey offers me 15,000/yr another 5,000- its an easier choice that way.</p>

<p>The financial aid stuff was the only reason I could think of off-hand. But you're just waiting to weigh the pros and cons after you get accepted and see the offers?</p>

<p>1 reach (UNC), 3 matches (UW, WSU, Miami), 2 safeties (U Portland, Albertson College of Idaho).</p>

<p>I could see myself going to any of those places.</p>

<p>I actually HATE my safety but might end up going there for financial reasons (free tuition for 4 years, merit-- I don't qualify for fin aid anywhere)</p>

<p>ah the future looks bleak</p>

<p>yeah I'm applying to multiple safeties mainly for financial aid reasons, although also, like Thursday, I have some pretty different schools and I'm still wavering a bit about which environment I'd be happiest at. Some are far enough away to make visiting an impracticality but if I end up considering attending them, I'd have to visit. I do like them all, some more than others (size is a big issue for me too here)</p>

<p>You can look at your safty schools in a different way. The way i looked at my safety compared to my 'reach' was what the school offered outside of my intended major. Sure, i THINK i know what i wanna do, but who knows? The two schools i applied to (and both accepted) had almost identical engineering programs, but i chose the school that had a well respected degree that wasn't in engineering. So really, if it comes down between 2 safeties, pick the school that will give you the most choices if you decided to leave your intended field as of now.</p>

<p>So did StrongbadTheFantabular get 86'd?</p>

<p>I really don't like my Safety School at all. Horrible School.</p>


<p>You need to have a safety that you would enjoy attending and that you know that you can afford. A safety school that you hate is not a safety school.</p>

<p>i have two safety schools - georgetown college in kentucky and american university of paris. i have no problem with attending american university of paris since i love that school - heck its in paris! lol</p>