<p>Hey It looks like everyone is in the same boat I am!</p>
<p>my safety school wouldnt be so bad...if i did honors college...definitely money wise much better (full + already not counting possibility of foundation scholarships)</p>
<p>I didn't really like my safeties (the Arizona in-states). However, I got into Notre Dame, my first choice, so it doesn't really matter anymore. Lol.</p>
<p>I actually really do like my safeties, and I know I'd be happy going to one of 'em. And I'm applying to more than one of them (two or three, actually) because they have very different atmospheres, and if I don't get into any of my matches or reaches, I still want to have some interesting options.</p>
<p>Why do you apply to reach schools? Because that's where you want to go. If you didn't want to go there more than your safeties, than you wouldn't take the time to fill out the more time consuming applications.</p>
<p>Therefore, the safety schools are not where you want to go, and therefore, you would not be as happy attending that school.</p>
<p>That said however, there is no reason that after you've been there that you would not be happy, after you find your niche.</p>
<p>I applied to:
1 safety, and I had another lined up that I would have applied to if other acceptances hadn't come when they did
2 safety/matches
4 match/reaches (2 of these I shouldn't have applied to)</p>
<p>I ended up honors at the safety, honors at one of the safety/matches, a likely letter from the other safety/match (so I prolly coulda got some money or something from them), and in at 1 of the match/reaches</p>
<p>Hi andrew, </p>
<p>I know an excellent student who is considering Albertson College. Do you know what type of person would prefer Albertson to some of the other liberal arts colleges in the area: Whitman, Willamette, and Colorado?</p>
<p>Good luck to you with your decision.</p>
<p>Thanks for your opinion.</p>
<p>If you wouldn't go to your Safety, it's not a Safety, it's phantom choice.</p>
<p>i had 4 safeties when i applied: cal poly pomona, pacific, uc riverside, and uc irvine (ELC). </p>
<p>i would definately go to UCI. i would go to UCR after visiting, it was actually my 2nd choice in the end. i probably wouldnt go to pacific. and cal poly pomona, if i absolutely had to, then yes, but i probably wouldve chosen community college and transfer to UC instead since my community college is 5 min. away from cal poly pomona.</p>
I know an excellent student who is considering Albertson College. Do you know what type of person would prefer Albertson to some of the other liberal arts colleges in the area: Whitman, Willamette, and Colorado?
<p>The one thing that stood out most to me about ACI is that it's SMALL. Tiny, even (somewhere around 800 students). This could be great for some, but I just think it's too small for my own personal needs.</p>
<p>Also, while the campus is lovely, Caldwell is not. Some terrible gang violence there, and the town is generally thought of as a dump. Not many OOState students, and almost everyone comes from the Boise/Meridian/Eagle area. The class I sat in on was interesting, and the professors are top notch.</p>
<p>I'd say if you are just going to stay in your room and go to class, ACI is as good as any of those other schools, plus it's significantly cheaper. However, there is not much to do in Caldwell and there is not much of a campus identity.</p>
<p>My safety was Berkeley. So glad I didn't have to go :D</p>
<p>I'd definitely go to one of my safeties. Not sure about the other 3. I'd have to room at the other 3, so if I had to pick a safety, I'd probably pick the one a couple blocks from home. No need to spend money on room/board if it's just a safety.</p>
<p>When I was in high school I applied to eight schools - Harvard, Brown, Notre Dame, Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCI, and USC. I looked at UCSD, UCI, and USC as safety schools. I was admitted everywhere except Harvard, and I chose to go to UCI. I feel that it was the best choice of my life. Of course, I don't know what my life would be like if I went to one of those other schools, but I'm pleased with what I got at UCI and I still got into a prestigious grad school. Because I had a full ride at UCI, I escaped with no debt.</p>
<p>youre cool alicantekid, youre an example to us all about how its not where you go for college but what you make of it and who you are. nice to have you here now at ucla/anderson ;)</p>
<p>Thanks, kfc4u. I always thought I was pretty cool too ;)</p>
<p>I think that people just need to make the best decision for THEM, and don't base your decision purely on a school's reputation or what your friends think you should do. I've come across so many people who have said that they thought that UCI would be the best school for them but they went to (insert name of school with fancy name here) because their family wanted them to go there or because their friends said that the big-name school was better. Seriously, what do a bunch of 17 year old kids know about colleges? Or unless your parents are diehard alumni of a certain school, they might not know too much more (unless they're professors or admissions counselors or something).</p>
<p>Just follow your heart. My heart just happened to lead me to one of my safety schools.</p>
<p>Guess what?
I got into nearly every school I applied to (Rejected only from Vassar)
I had it down to Connecticut College, Mount Holyoke College, the College of Wooster, and University of Rochester. I was admitted to all with scholarships (except Conn, they have a strict no scholarship policy) </p>
<p>Wooster was my safety, and guess what?
It’s my favorite school!
I found the environment to be more challenging and stimulating than the other, more prestigious schools to which I was admitted. Also, I will be graduating debt-free in 4 years.
So don’t discount your safety school, you may love it!</p>
<p>I don’t want to go to one of my safeties, but if I was rejected from my matches/reaches or got insufficient aid, I guess I would have to. They’re both slightly larger than I’d prefer and less of social matches.</p>
<p>My safeties gave me the most money, as seeing as that’s a huge factor for me and my family, it’s looking like I’m going to end up at one of them (Suffolk U, Emmanuel C, & UNH Durham). Yup, still don’t know where I’m going</p>
<p>That’s not surprising. Wooster is admired and even revered by college faculty and administrators.</p>
<p>If you wouldn’t go to your safety, you don’t have a safety.</p>
<p>Hmm lets see what I did…</p>
<p>4 super high reaches (got into none)
2 reaches (got into both)
6 matches (got into all)
1 safety (got in)</p>
<p>I would be totally happy with going to any of these schools. I’m now trying to decide between the 2 reaches, the safety, and 2 of the matches</p>