<p>My main safety was UNH. I would’ve loved to go there had I not gotten in to my other choices.</p>
<p>I would definitely have very happily gone to my “safety”–Oxford College of Emory University. (It wasn’t technically a safety school, but I was accepted EA, at which point I chose not to apply to any less selective colleges.) I loved the location, the community, the service emphasis, the applied theory classes, the food, the dorms, the campus, the PEOPLE…it was just over all an excellent fit, and until March 30th, I was pretty set to go. (If anyone’s looking for a small LAC experience before heading into a T20 research university later in college, definitely consider Oxford. It even gives amazing merit awards.)</p>
<p>Until I received news from Oxford/Emory, though, I was extremely nervous. I took a risk and didn’t have any safeties. In fact, I’m not even sure that I had any true matches. All of my schools were top 20, of which 6 (I applied to 9 total) were top 10…at that point, the process seems to become too random for anything remotely resembling a match.</p>
<p>Still, although 9 is a pretty big number, I actually really loved most of the schools on my list, and I would have been happy to go to almost any of them. There was only one that I was iffy about, but it was my dad’s alma mater…so. I also wasn’t sure about how I felt about Princeton, but at any rate, I was rejected (I don’t blame them, haha :P), so I didn’t have to worry about it.</p>
<p>I can’t speak about my experience at a safety, but I loved the schools that I looked at as safeties. If I had not gotten in early decision and I was looking at money, I very well may have chosen one of them. I felt really lucky through the whole process to know that the worst case scenario would be a school I loved (I still sometimes wish I could also go there).</p>
<p>I applied to 5 colleges/universities for music and did 7 auditions total. I had one additional safety as an intended English major. Everyone familiar with the process knows that auditioning music programs cannot be true safeties because auditions are weird and you never know what the heck is going to come of it all, even if you do really well. I’d say that, academically, I had 2 reaches, 1 match, and 3 safeties. However, taking everything into account, I only had one true safety.</p>
<p>In all honesty, I would have been satisfied to attend any of these schools except my one safety. My mom was the one who made me apply there in the first place. To me, college just isn’t worth attending unless I can be a music major from the get-go. Therefore, I’m extremely thankful in saying that I will be attending my first choice “reach” school in the fall as a music major. =D</p>
<p>Yup yup, going to mine. The other schools mean that I’d have to take on debt of at LEAST 20k (one has me about 50k in the hole by the time I graduate, no thank you!), and going to my safety means I’m free from all that. Yay!</p>
<p>ya i definitely would go to ucla</p>
<p>I’d probably go to Rutgers if I had to.</p>
<p>I’m lucky enough that (a) my safety was a great in-state public, UNC, and (b) I got into two match/reach schools EA. Really, for applicants aiming for the top colleges, EA is the way to go.</p>
<p>My safeties were Virginia Tech and Pitt and I would have been completely happy going to Tech had I not been accepted to UVA and William and Mary. None of these schools offered me any money (except unsubsidized loans) and Pitt would be much more expensive being out of state. VT & UVA & W&M are almost identical financially so it’s gonna be a tough decision.</p>
<p>I applied to UCs as safeties and got into all of them</p>
<p>USC was also safeties</p>
<p>WASHU was a match </p>
<p>Ivies and Stanford as reaches.</p>
<p>got into a few of my reaches</p>