Would you reject Harvard (ivy league)?

<p>I’m a senior still waiting to hear back from Yale and UChicago. If (by some miracle) I get into either of them, I’m going to reject them in favor of my state school. </p>

<p>I wouldn’t like the competition and pressure, I’d worry about socially fitting in, and for my family, it would be very expensive. (My dad makes enough that our financial aid would not be very large, but not enough that my parents can shell out $50k a year for school) </p>

<p>Yes, they’re great schools. But they’re not the best schools for me. Honestly, I’d MUCH rather go somewhere less prestigious and love my school than go somewhere elite and be unhappy. I adore everything about my state school, and I’m so excited to be going there.</p>

<p>I would, on certain conditions, of course.</p>

<p>First, if my top choice school accepts me, then I will pick that over Harvard. Yes, I have looked at Harvard, but it isn’t all I wanted in a school.</p>

<p>Second, I wouldn’t get accepted anyway. ;)</p>

<p>@Manders93 Then why did you apply to those schools in the first place?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t even apply to Harvard if I could do it again. </p>

<p>Nor would I apply to the University of Pennisylvania, guys don’t go to UPennis because it’s a really garbage school filled with dummies and strippers</p>

<p>Not all people at Harvard are socially awkward nerds. You think people at Harvard don’t party? (Not to say that is the only indicator of social ineptness). </p>

<p>True, there’s about half of your class you won’t ever see because they’re constantly hidden in their dorms/library studying, but this is true at tons of schools. Harvard looks for more in an applicant, especially now.</p>



<p>Maybe they thought it was a good option then. There’s a lot of time to think and learn between filling out applications August-December and then actually making choices. I applied to 10 schools, and I’ve applied to schools that, after spending a lot of time considering my choices, I wouldn’t attend if I got in.</p>

<p>I’ve made my choice and so has Manders93. There’s nothing wrong with having had more options at the beginning of the whole process.</p>

<p>I understand.</p>

<p>I would because I don’t think i would do well there, though of course i would not apply in the first place. There would just be so many people obviously smarter than me (i would be majoring in a science so it would obvious) and that would be both intimidating and disheartening i think.</p>

<p>i would prefer to go to a college where i could stand out in some way, if i had to go to a college at all. (that’s part of what makes doing homework and assignments tolerable for i think - the recognition of your work. at harvard that would neither come in words or grades.).</p>

<p>If I did get into a Harvard-tier school I would get plenty of financial aid because my family isn’t very wealthy, so I would definitely go there. The job placement services and internships that those types of schools provide cannot be understated. Maybe, even with financial aid, I go $60,000 in debt - but if I can come out of school making +$100,000 per year, then I’d say it’s worth it.</p>

<p>Plus I’ve never really had any problem with rigorous academics. Obviously Harvard type schools are at a whole different level, but I would see that as a challenge and probably enjoy it.</p>