Wow--wanna headache?

<p>Go read the "5 year committment thread" on the Navy Board----
I think Im gonna go hug my dog.</p>

<p>Good idea shogun -but for how long?
If you hug your dog for two minutes does he owe you 5 minutes of good behavior?
What if he gets sick during those two minutes and can’t help throwing up on the carpet? What if he gave you three minutes of good behavior before you hugged him?
What if he poops on the rug while you are hugging him?<br>
As you can see - it is infinitely complicated. There is no simple answer - ;)</p>

<p>Venture over there are your own risk :eek:</p>

<p>And to make matters worse, my dog’s a she!!!<br>
What now???!!</p>

<p>LOL! whoops! so is mine!</p>