Write different common app essays for RD?

<p>When I was completing my QB and CA essays this semester, I had a depression bout. My essays, needless to say, turn out to be of low quality. I would like to rewrite them for my common app, but I dont know if its permitted. Should I call and ask Questbridge and the respective schools anyway? And even though I could reuse my QB app, I think one of the essays was bad and I really don't know whether I should forward it. Please help me out. thank you.</p>

<p>What I did last year was submit the QB app as a supplement and write my own essays for the CommonApp, which I submitted to every college to which I applied. However, my main CommonApp essay actually ended up being similar to one of my QB essays; it was fairly heavily reworked, but still fundamentally the same. My supplement to Yale and Harvard also included a reworked version of a CommonApp essay, although I got rejected by both so I don’t know how useful that was. ^_^</p>

<p>I got into several QB schools doing this, though, and I don’t believe I’m an exceptional case, so I’m sure reworking them is fine.</p>

<p>Say, for example, I only ranked Penn, Dartmouth and Rice and wasn’t matched with them. Now I want to rewrite the main CA essays for those schools because I already submitted their CA alongsides the QB app. Can I do that?</p>

<p>You already submitted your CommonApp to them? You would have to email them and explain your situation I think. I’m sure they’d be flexible. Worst case scenario would be that they would let you submit a rewritten CommonApp essay as a supplement or something similar, I would guess.</p>

<p>FallenAngel, do you mind posting where you got accepted to?</p>

<p>^ look at fallenangels location :-)</p>

Rice University (QB)
Vanderbilt University
University of Virginia (QB, Likely Letter, Echols Scholar)
Emory University (QB)
Middlebury College
Wesleyan University (QB, early notification of acceptance)
Tulane University
Truman State University</p>

Dartmouth College (QB)
Brown University (QB)
Washington University in St. Louis (several people from my school were accepted ED, so I expected this)
Northwestern University (QB)</p>

<p>*I didn’t do anything to try to get off these waitlists, though, because I decided I would rather have attended Rice, Vanderbilt, or UVa instead.</p>

Yale University (QB)
Harvard University
Princeton University (QB)</p>