<p>So I'm a bit confused about the writing requirement for freshman. The website says students will either take writing 2/3 progression then a freshman seminar,or writing 5 and a freshman seminar based on placement. What determines your placement in writing 5 over the writing 2/3 progression? </p>
<p>As a side note, for getting out of the writing 5 requirement, it says you need a 780 or above on SAT CR test. Will ACT reading substitute do instead? (I got a 36 on ACT reading, so it'll meet the requirement if converted)</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>My understanding, such as it is, is that each year they establish a CR score at or above which you are exempt from Writing 5, and instead go directly into the freshman seminar. Last year it was 780. If you attained a combination of a slightly lower designated CR score plus a target Writing score (maybe 760CR/780W, I don’t recall precisely), you were also exempt from Writing 5. Everyone who scored below those targets but above a floor of 620 CR had to take Writing 5, then the seminar. Everyone who scored below the 620 figure was “invited” to take Writing 2/3 (a 2-term course) then the seminar. Apparently they also use a writing assessment to recommend 2/3 or 5 for some people. </p>
<p>I would assume that they convert ACT scores for this purpose.</p>
<p>It is all described here:</p>
<p>[Writing</a> Courses: Placement and Enrollment Policies](<a href=“http://www.dartmouth.edu/~writing/courses/policies.shtml]Writing”>http://www.dartmouth.edu/~writing/courses/policies.shtml)</p>
<p>Yup, that’s exactly right. Usually only international students have to take Writing 2 and 3, which are sort of remedial writing courses.</p>
<p>Also, a word of advice: using your seminar to fulfill distributive requirements if at all possible! Seminars don’t count towards your major or minor, but they do count for distribs!</p>
<p>ahh, not to hijack this thread, but I have a question on this topic:</p>
<p>If we get two different CR scores, will they count the higher one? I got a 780 my first sitting but 760 my second sitting.
Can I still be exempted?</p>
<p>I highly doubt they’ll make a big deal of it. Contact the First Year Office if you want to be sure.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure ACT scores are not converted. For my year the cutoff to be exempted from Writing 5 was a 770+ CR <em>or</em> a 760 CR AND a 780+ Writing. I’m also pretty sure they only use the best scores from multiple takes.</p>
<p>I can’t imagine that they wouldn’t convert ACT scores. Why on earth make a kid with a 36 in the relevant section(s) of the ACT take Writing 5?</p>