Writing application

<p>Nowadays, I am just as worried and frenzied as the ones who are actually applying.
And I am not applying until next year.
So I was checking on my application stuff that I'll have to write and send later on..
And there was this : "social security number".
I am not American, I'm Korean, so I don't have an American social security number.
SO, my question is : what do I write on it?
I have a Korean social security number, do I write that on this?</p>

<p>ALso... it has lines for "previous schools attended" and "present school".
In the previous school section, do I write my present school's name as well??</p>

<p>And what does this mean : at the end of the first marking period</p>

<p>Lastly : the application has principal/counselor section.
THe principal doesn't know me!!!!
Neither do I have a counselor.

<p>For the social security question, I would call the school. But for the previous schools attended you put the school you went to before your current. If you've never gone to another, leave it blank. So you wouldn't write your current school. And with the principal problem this may help. Because you're applying next year you should try to strengthen your relationship with him now so when he's filling out forms next year, he can actually say something.</p>

<p>THanks. Help appreiciated..
Although I am still not sure how to strengthen my relationship with the principal..
She's quite hard to be with because she's in her office all the time...</p>

<p>onelittlepanda - Just leave the social security number blank. They won't expect you to have one. As for the counselor recommendation, does your school have a Director of Student Affairs or Academic Affairs. Either of these people would also be appropriate to write your recommendation.</p>

<p>onelittlepanda, about the social security number:</p>

<p>I am not a U.S. citizen as well, so I emailed the admissions office, asking them for another number. I had to use a number that I was identified by when paying tax (I'm not 100% sure of this. My father told me the number so I just wrote it down and sent it). Just make sure that you do what the school wants you to do.</p>

<p>I'm sorry, I have nothing to say for the principal/counselor recommendation. I'll be sure to post up information if I hear of any!</p>

<p>Thank you.
Also, I have asked a school whether or not they offer FAs to international students and he said :
The financial aid given to international students is very limited and really on an exception-basis. That said, any aid would be need-based. </p>

<p>What does this mean?
Does this mean that they do, but it is very limited and they do not give admissions unless they are desparately poor??</p>

<p>onelittlepanda, if you are already working really hard on applying, it means you are passionate about attending one of these schools right? that will show in your interview. if the schools see this in your interview and your application and they really want you in their school, i dont think fa will be too much of a problem. "need-based" means that just because you are applying for fa, you should not expect a free ride. the school will examine your financial situation and see just how much they can give you. dont stress yourself out too much ok :)</p>

<p>Thanks xoxcookie.
I was aware of the fact that I won't get "a free ride".
I was expecting to pay a lot of money..
Just not as much to give my parents more pressure.</p>