<p>is so weird now. It just doesn't look right. My usually I would write it like 1/4/10, and it looks semi-decent when typed but atrocious when written. I'm starting to write it like 01/04/10, you?</p>
<p>i’m on a computer so much i forgot how to write</p>
<p>I would write 04/01/10 - the LOGICAL way. :)</p>
<p>i don’t really want to believe i’ve been alive for the entire decade. it just creeps me out im getting that old</p>
<p>it creeps me out that age of empires is considered “retro”</p>
<p>Age of empires?</p>
<p>^RTS computer game
Edit: RTS= Real Time Strategy</p>
<p>Aha. Thanks! :)</p>
<p>you should play it , it’s retro</p>
<p>@ Gerontius</p>
<p>That’s how they write it in the UK. I don’t like it written in that order but I say the the date “January 5th” rather than “The fifth of January”</p>
<p>My mum writes it date/month/year and I have just picked it up and have written it that way quite often. My old nun teachers didn’t like it though so I would occasionally have to redo papers in grade school because I wrote the date the way most of the rest of the world writes it…</p>
<p>I write it month/day/year. I think day/month/year makes more sense, but who am I to defy convention?</p>
<p>I write day/month/year except when writing on official-ish things or when writing to my schools administration, even though it’s informal, because they’re grumpy.</p>
<p>Same as Millancad. Day/month/year as 7/1/10, except when dealing with Americans (in which case I’d say 7 Jan 2010). </p>
<p>But I live in the rest of the world, where AC currents are 50 Hz, colour has 6 letters and dates are day/month/year and I guess I got used it xD.</p>
<p>(no offense to the US or anything, just sayin’ =P).</p>
<p>I write Day/Month/Year most of the time, unless just writing the numbers because it would confuse my teachers.</p>
<p>I write it : 07/01/2010 or 07 Jan 2010</p>