I have now been written up twice in my first semester at iu. The first time it was for one beer in a room of 5 people but everyone got the punishment. Now I was caught smoking in my room and the police came but let us off because we did not have barely any on us.
I am worried what the punishment will be for my second time and also that it is for smoking.
Any ideas on what my process will be?
Since the police came, I’m assuming that what you were smoking was not Virginia Slims. :))
The process is outlined here:
Probably a student will come along to advise you about actual practice.
From one Irishman to another: you might want to give the recreational chemicals a rest for a little while, since your room seems to be on the radar right now.
@poblob14 I think you linked the wrong page
@iubaccounting I thought he did. Anything to add to his comment?
Nope, sorry. I haven’t gotten in trouble at IU