WSJ - College Rankings

That’s pretty great, I think. We never looked at the rankings before our kid enrolled there. But we think very very highly of the school and what it offers.

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Here are some 99+ Overall Ranked schools with Engagement Ranks far above their overall rank.

Rank… School … Engagement
99 … Ohio State U … 25
104 … Virginia Tech … 60
117 … NC State U … 36
133 … Univ of Utah … 36
138 … BYU … 4
141 … Penn State U … 25
143 … Elon Univ … 18
143 … Univ of GA … 25
154 … TCU … 18
166 … Temple … 49
170 … Baylor … 4
184 … Samford … 1
227 … Miami U (OH) … 12

There are other similar outliers with high Engagement Ranks (Wyoming, Cincinnatti, FSU, Dayton, Auburn, Evansville, Point Loma Nazarene, Taylor U, etc) that I didn’t break out.


I don’t mean to waste your time, but did Cal Poly SLO make the list? TIA

:notes: Meet the new list, same as the old list. :notes:

Rank … School … Outcome…Resources…Engagement…Environment
189 … CalPoly SLO … 74 . … 400+ … 131 … 400+

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Overall ranked 189. 74 for outcome. >400 for resources, 131 for engagement, and >400 for environment.


Top 10 Chart

▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼
1 Harvard University 3 3 3 134 $18,030
2 Stanford University 3 4 60 47 $16,779
3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3 2 149 121 $20,465
4 Yale University 1 16 18 91 $18,073
5 Duke University 3 12 36 145 $24,386
6 Brown University 14 6 18 134 $27,218
7 California Institute of Technology 8 1 >400 214 $27,438
8 Princeton University 1 5 >400 145 $18,712
9 Johns Hopkins University 11 10 195 74 $28,999
9 Northwestern University 12 8 49 153 $26,196

How many kids pay those net prices? That’s unbelievably inexpensive!



That’s gotta be their football team ranking. :laughing:


What exactly does “engagement” mean? I mean Princeton is >400?


These schools provide some of the most generous financial aid in the country. For many middle class families, these schools will be cheaper than the in-state flagship. The hurdle is getting in.


THE has captured student engagement across the US through its US Student Survey, carried out in partnership with two leading market research providers. In 2018 and 2019, we gathered the views of more than 170,000 current college and university students on a range of issues relating directly to their experience at college.

Students answer 12 core questions about their experience that are either multiple choice or on a scale from 0 to 10, and also provide background information about themselves.
To capture engagement with learning (7%), we look at the answers to four key questions:

  • to what extent does the student’s college or university support critical thinking? For example, developing new concepts or evaluating different points of view;
  • to what extent does the teaching support reflection on, or making connections among, the things that the student has learned? For example, combining ideas from different lessons to complete a task;
  • to what extent does the teaching support applying the student’s learning to the real world? For example, taking study excursions to see concepts in action;
  • to what extent do the classes taken in college challenge the student? For example, presenting new ways of thinking to challenge assumptions or values

To capture a student’s opportunity to interact with others (4%) to support learning, we use the responses to two questions: to what extent does the student have the opportunity to interact with faculty and teachers? For example, talking about personal progress in feedback sessions; and to what extent does the college provide opportunities for collaborative learning? For example, group assignments.

The final measure in this area from the survey is around student recommendation (6%): if a friend or family member were considering going to university, based on your experience, how likely or unlikely are you to recommend your college or university to them?


Thank you! None of these are on D22’s list, lol. She has received several mailings from Dordt — that’s the only reason I have heard of it.

I was hoping to see more West Coast stare universities and LACs on the engagement list. Alas.

So…the numbers for engagement…are those how the colleges rank in engagement. So Santa Clara in the 70’s overall has a >400 rank for engagement? I find that very hard to believe at a Jesuit school…looking at those questions. Same for Princeton.

I like the outcome to resources ratio.

These are the best outcomes with resources of 400+:
39. Maryland
65. Georgia
67. BYU
74. Cal Poly SLO
88. SUNY-Binghamton
91. George Mason
99. Florida State

These colleges have lower outcomes relative to resources:
Bard: 400+ outcome vs. 59 resources (TY George Soros)
St Louis U: 217 vs. 42
Skidmore: 167 vs. 55
Oberlin: 187 vs. 59

Maybe these highly resourced institutions will increase outcomes and rankings over time.


The criteria seems to be predisposed to put HS at the top. I imagine they fiddled with the ciriteria until they got that result so it would match public perception (which of course will help validate the ranking). Still basically the same top 20 schools in a different order. Sigh. :face_with_monocle:


I’d love to know how Eckerd ranked if someone without a firewall can post it.


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How about engagement ranking? I think they shine there, along with marine and other sciences…

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