<p>Last summer my son attended a football camp at WUSTL. He stayed in a dorm for 3 nights, saw a presentation about the school and had walking tour of the campus. There are no plans to play college football. However he really liked the school. Will WUSTL admissions consider the football camp to be a WUSTL visit?</p>
<p>If it was a high school junior or later, assuming records were kept, probably. It’d probably “count” less than a visit during senior year where the intent is to find a college to attend to (versus going to some place for 3 days because of football which doesn’t really show that you want to attend the university).</p>
<p>I didn’t visit WashU at all (I’m from NY) and I got in. I went to my school’s WashU reception thing where the admissions officer came in and talked about stuff. I think your son should go to that. Flying out to a school to visit seems unreasonable so unless you live close enough to drive, I wouldn’t bother.</p>
<p>I never visited WUSTL either, They came to our school for a college fair (along with 200+ colleges) so I doubt they remember me! lol</p>