<p>I need some advice. I'm a transfer student from a CCC, my GPA is 3.95, I've completed all prerecs, and I have 330 hours of community serivce at a local hospital. So, I am quite confident that I will be admitted into both of my top choices, UCLA and UCSD. But, I'm having alott of trouble in determining what one would be a better "fit". I've visited each campus, and both seem like great environments to spend my junior and senior years at. </p>
<p>I am pre-med, and want to attend the best Medical school I can be admitted to. From my understanding, both UCLA and UCSD are essentially equivalent with respect to aiding undergrads in admission to med school. So, my future would end up being the same no matter which institution I attend. </p>
<p>The main differences to me is this:</p>
<p>UCLA > UCSD in prestige, social events, and parties. All three are important to me. </p>
<p>UCSD > UCLA because I already have about ten close friends who attend SD and I'm from SD. And although UCSD is lacking behind LA in parties/social events, how could I enjoy them without close friends?</p>
<p>I'm having trouble with the following: I'm not a social hermit, (ie I have the ability to make new friends at UCLA) but making close friendships with people takes alot of time and effort, and because I'm a transfer I imagin its increasingly harder than if I was a freshmen. I already have a "base" of friends at UCSD, so it would be quiteee easy to meet and become friends with there friends and find parties etc... </p>
<p>At UCLA, I wont know anyone which would make finding parties and close friends increaseingly hard as a junior transfer. I guess I could try to rush a frat as a junior, but im kind of leaning away towards actually being apart of a frat, because I simply dont have the $$ for it.</p>
<p>What UC would you choose if you were in my size 10.5 shoes?</p>