<p>Do I have a chance? Pretty self explanatory really.</p>
<p>SAT: 760R, 720M, 690W
SAT II: 780 Physics, 780 Chemistry, 730 Biology
GPA: 3.92 UW
Rank: Top 1% (not 10%, this is not a typo) of a class of 150
School: Private, highly competitive
EC's: Nationally ranked coxswain (not recruited), Captain of Fencing, President of Debating, Sergeant in JROTC, Volunteer at nursing home, Student government panel member.</p>
<p>Interview: Went well
School Report: Amazing
Teacher REcs: Complementary but nothing amazing
Essays: I thought they were good, but probably not too special.
Hook: I'm a British student. I have good GCSE's and top flight A-levels.</p>
<p>you are very similar to me as far as the SATs/GPA/Rankings go. I have 2170 I's and 2270 II's. Statistically speaking, I am afraid that we are merely average for princeton (actually slightly below-- ED average for I's was 2200). I am really curious to hear what the others will say.</p>
<p>I have gotten the impression that the international pool is more competitive than the domestic pool. This may be something for you to look into; I really don't know much about it (im from WA). Best of luck.</p>
<p>He could be number 2 if there are any more than 133 people in his class (it would round down, wouldn't it?). Anyway, that's beside the point. I think you have about average recs for Princeton, though if you had really good essays, or something else really stood out in your application, you definitely have a great shot.</p>