Yale '09ers: Stolen Icebreakers

<p>southeasttitan and hellosail: I LOVED “The History of Love” SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOO MUCH!! I actually haven’t read that many of the couple’s books either but I did read “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” and while I didn’t think it was quite as bad as that article suggested (the article was very amusing though and I can see where the author was coming from), I thought Nicole Krauss pulled off the style of writing better than Foer did. The “flipbook” that was “Extremely Loud,etc” kind of confused me with all of the drawings at first and it took me a while to get into and now I feel that it was kind of gimmicky. The History of Love actually touched me emotionally, which is saying something since that doesn’t often happen for me.
As for “The God of Small Things,” I’m not one for detailed description, etc but I’ll try it out. </p>

<p>@ Noitaraperp: w t f?</p>

<p>Everything is Illuminated, while being a little bit pretentious and had peeks of insufferable-ness, was much, much better than Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Alex’s grandfather’s story broke my heart. I really hated Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, though. Even then, the article, I think, overstates things a little bit, but you always have to have people on either side of the aisle.</p>

<p>As for The God of Small Things, the descriptions aren’t really detailed so much as they are dense. The weight of her words is just astounding. The amount of meaning she can instill floored me. But yeah, it can be a little bit flowery, but it was also one of the most emotionally draining (in a good way) experiences of my life. It also has a lot of wordplay and language mixture. In many ways, Arundhati Roy invented her own language for the book. Her’s the NYT Book Review (I tend to not read book reviews before a book because I think they give too much away sometimes. This one does a fairly good job of keeping the plot under wraps): [Melodrama</a> as Structure for Subtlety - New York Times](<a href=“http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9505E1DF153DF930A35755C0A961958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=1]Melodrama”>http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9505E1DF153DF930A35755C0A961958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=1)</p>

<p>And I want to change my answer for future career. I want to be the Obama’s hypoallergenic puppy…</p>

<p>I would like to marry Nicole Krauss. I would make a much better husband (okay, wife) than JSF would.</p>

<p>Wikipedia says: The History of Love was optioned by Warner Brothers in 2005.[3] It is set to be directed by Alfonso Cuarón,[4] who recently directed Children of Men and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The film is scheduled to be released in 2010.
!!! If we all end up going to Yale, we can see it together!!! According to imdb, Emma Watson is rumored to be cast in it.
Wikipedia also says: In the spring of 2008 he [Foer] will teach writing for the first time, as a visiting professor of intermediate fiction at Yale University. [6] That’s how we can rationalize to ourselves if we don’t get in: Well, JSF taught there so why would I want to go?
And hellosail, we haven’t read that many of their books because they’ve only written 2 each, haha. :o
southeasttitan: Krauss and Foer have a son together–I doubt she’d leave him for you. No offense… ;)</p>

<p>haha @ sunshineyday-
and if Emma Watson goes to Yale too (another rumor), we/you/whichever-pronoun-i’m-supposed-to-use can go see it with her!</p>

<p>Mmm… Emma Watson… she can be my Gryffindor…</p>

<p>What is your:

  1. dream career, if money were irrelevant? ice cream scooper MMMMMMMMMM
  2. intended major/academic interests? idk, maybe poisci?
  3. favorite book? harry potter
  4. nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? 9
  5. guilty pleasure? gossip girl
  6. strangest quirk/fun fact about you? i actually do love my crazy korean family
  7. favorite music genre? rock
  8. greatest accomplishment? i’m proud that i’ve been able to keep kind of a social life even with all this hype about college stress
  9. greatest failure? messing up freshman year. bombed ap tests
  10. how high is Yale ranked on your list? be honest. tied for 1 with harvard
    11: SCEA or RD? scea</p>

<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant? </li>

<p>Pop musician.</p>

<li>intended major/academic interests? </li>

<p>English, music.</p>

<li>favorite book? </li>


<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? </li>

<p>Depends. Probably not more than a 6.</p>

<li>guilty pleasure? </li>

<p>Used to be the mj. Now it’s grilled cheese sandwiches.</p>

<li>strangest quirk/fun fact about you?</li>

<p>I’m incredibly lazy when it comes to doing anything I dislike. If I get into Yale it’ll be like cheating at the game of high school.</p>

<li>favorite music genre? </li>

<p>Elliott Smith; dub/electronic/industrial</p>

<li>greatest accomplishment? </li>

<p>My compositions/songs. </p>

<li>greatest failure? </li>

<p>Wasting time. Being a ****.</p>

<li>how high is Yale ranked on your list? be honest. </li>

<p>Number one. </p>

<p>11: SCEA or RD? </p>


<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant? (and if I had talent)…Broadway Actor/Professional Tennis Player</li>
<li>intended major/academic interests? Neuroscience; pre-medicine track</li>
<li>favorite book? Andromeda Strain</li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? hehe…i’m fillin out a survey on a CC…what do you think?</li>
<li>guilty pleasure? candy</li>
<li>strangest quirk/fun fact about you? strange?..uhh, no hearing in my left hear as of '05</li>
<li>favorite music genre?: extremely varied </li>
<li>greatest accomplishment?: idk</li>
<li>greatest failure?: college app. essays</li>
<li>how high is Yale ranked on your list? be honest: 2…but don’t judge me! :slight_smile:
11: SCEA or RD? SCEA</li>

<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant? (and if I had talent?)…Broadway Actor/Professional Tennis Player</li>
<li>intended major/academic interests? Neuroscience; pre-medicine track</li>
<li>favorite book? Andromeda Strain</li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? hehe…i’m fillin out a survey on a CC…what do you think?</li>
<li>guilty pleasure? candy</li>
<li>strangest quirk/fun fact about you? strange?..uhh, no hearing in my left hear as of '05</li>
<li>favorite music genre?: extremely varied </li>
<li>greatest accomplishment?: idk</li>
<li>greatest failure?: college app. essays</li>
<li>how high is Yale ranked on your list? be honest: 2…but don’t judge me! :slight_smile:
11: SCEA or RD? SCEA</li>

<li><p>dream career, if money were irrelevant? Some kind of artist, even though I’m not particularly good at art.</p></li>
<li><p>intended major/academic interests? Psychology, social sciences</p></li>
<li><p>favorite book? The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath</p></li>
<li><p>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? 3, I’m only nerdy about a few things.</p></li>
<li><p>guilty pleasure? Harry Potter</p></li>
<li><p>strangest quirk/fun fact about you? I enjoy taking naps on the vent in my French class.</p></li>
<li><p>favorite music genre? Does not matter at all</p></li>
<li><p>greatest accomplishment? 34 on the ACT</p></li>
<li><p>greatest failure? Wasted good :confused: I haven’t lived up to my potential in anything…academically, socially, athletically… it’s quite unfortunate.</p></li>
<li><p>how high is Yale ranked on your list? Le premier</p></li>

<p>11: SCEA or RD? RD. I would have applied EA if not for Yale’s rules about scholarship deadlines for other schools.</p>

<p>@ pianista: Haha, sounds like a plan. But do you really think she’ll want to hang out with us lowly Muggles??</p>

<p>whoa…just noticed my double post.</p>


<li><p>dream career, if money were irrelevant? archaeologist (maybe egyptologist if i want to get more specific…)</p></li>
<li><p>intended major/academic interests? chemistry</p></li>
<li><p>favorite book? Empress Orchid by Anchee Min</p></li>
<li><p>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? 6</p></li>
<li><p>guilty pleasure? gossip girl, antm, and celeb tabloid/fashion magazines</p></li>
<li><p>strangest quirk/fun fact about you? i’ve been told that i have very dramatic facial expressions… </p></li>
<li><p>favorite music genre? folk and soul rock/pop</p></li>
<li><p>greatest accomplishment? patching things up with my former greatest enemy </p></li>
<li><p>greatest failure? spending time on CC when i really should be getting back to all my hw (like…now…)</p></li>
<li><p>how high is Yale ranked on your list? numero uno</p></li>

<p>11: SCEA or RD? SCEA</p>

<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant?</li>
<li>intended major/academic interests?</li>
<li>favorite book?</li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10?</li>
<li>guilty pleasure?</li>
<li>strangest quirk/fun fact about you?</li>
<li>favorite music genre?</li>
<li>greatest accomplishment?</li>
<li>greatest failure?</li>
<li>how high is Yale ranked on your list? be honest.
11: SCEA or RD?</li>

<p>1.) I’d love to write reviews for Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, etc.
2.) Chemistry/Pre-med
3.) A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers
4.) It depends on what sort of nerd you’re talking about. Indie music nerd? 10. Movie nerd? 10. Video game nerd? 10. Other types of nerd? Probably still pretty nerdy.
5.) Starbucks – Pumpkin Spice Latte
6.) I play the mandolin.
7.) Definitely all things “alternative.” My favorite artist of all-time is the Arcade Fire, although right now I’m really into Annuals and senseless pop/hip-hop mash-ups via the Hood Internet.
8.) I’m pretty proud of making my school’s ultra-competitive tennis team last year, since I had never played before.
9.) I don’t think one big thing really stands out. My freshman year was disappointing academically, but I don’t think it was a “failure.”
10.) One! One! One! One!
11.) SCEA!</p>

<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant? Ambassador, CIA, journalist, or novelist</li>
<li>intended major/academic interests? comparative literature/international studies</li>
<li>favorite book? interpreter of maladies, great expectations, pride and prejudice</li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? 7.5</li>
<li>guilty pleasure? Reading trash novels, chai lattes, watching cartoons with my brother</li>
<li>strangest quirk/fun fact about you? **I’m related to Kim Jong Il and my best friend’s grandfather raised Kim Il Sung. **</li>
<li>favorite music genre? Jazz, Soul</li>
<li>greatest accomplishment?polyglot</li>
<li>greatest failure? i have bad spending habits.</li>
<li>how high is Yale ranked on your list? be honest.1!!!1
11: SCEA or RD? SCEA</li>

<li>dream career, if money were irrelevant? design hotels</li>
<li>intended major/academic interests? sports medicine, economics</li>
<li>favorite book? the picture of dorian gray, the glass bead game, pride and prejudice</li>
<li>nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? 6.5</li>
<li>guilty pleasure? brownies, romantic comedies</li>
<li>strangest quirk/fun fact about you? I learned traditional chinese painting from a Chinese princess who lived in the forbidden city. she had a lot of palace furniture at her house.</li>
<li>favorite music genre? almost anything, but i like listening to jason mraz and dancing to hardcore rap</li>
<li>greatest accomplishment? self-actualization</li>
<li>greatest failure? why did i stop growing??</li>
<li>how high is Yale ranked on your list? be honest. I dreamed about stanford for a couple years, but upon visiting yale, it just felt so right, so NUMBER 1!!
11: SCEA or RD? SCEA chicka-chicka-yeahhh</li>

<p>@ JJK: Yale doesn’t have a comparative lit major…</p>

<p>Yes it does: [The</a> Literature Major | Yale College Programs of Study](<a href=“Yale College”>Yale College)</p>

<p>It’s just called a Literature Major for some reason.</p>

<p>Wow, I didn’t realize that…I was curious as to why they would have an English and a Literature major but no comp lit!</p>