Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Also does anyone know if they will release decisions early? My sister got into the Stanford two years ago, and they released decisions two weeks earlier than they had stated on the website, so I don’t know if Yale is the same… very nervous haha

Stanford traditionally releases its REA decisions a week to 10 days before Yale. I don’t expect any change this year.

@applicant42025, I would not spend a lot of energy speculating. There could be 3 reasons why you did not get an interview. 1, your application is so strong they need no further data points. 2, your application just isn’t there and they need no further data points. 3, there are not enough interviewers in your area to complete an interview. You gave it your best shot, time to refocus on having a strong semester and get your other apps ready to go.

My kid got an interview request today; they want it done before T’giving. Good luck to everyone…I believe firmly that most people end up in a great place, even if it isn’t what they thought they wanted. I will definitely be happier when my kid has a safety admission in hand and I think she will be, too!

Am I the only one still waiting on a interview?


Getting an interview this year seems that at least they are seriously considering you. With no interview, you’re wondering if you’re a shoo-in or an auto reject.

Okay yeah that makes sense. We did everything we could though… they may just have less alumni to ask for interview

It’s been about two weeks since submission, so I’d give it a bit more time.

Thanks for your input! Do they normally send you students to interview who are already likely admits (pre-screened)? Or do they usually just interview everyone or people who they are on the fence about? Thanks so much!

Historically, the kids who I interviewed got in in the same rate as the general pool, i.e. very few. I don’t think it will be much different this year, other than I won’t get applicants who are clearly lotto cases which I have gotten in the past.

Got it! Makes sense. Thanks a ton :slight_smile:

Hm… I don’t know if I agree with this. I feel like Yale will give the “shoo-ins” interviews as well since they want alumni interviewers to feel like the at least some of the applicants they interview get in. Since alumni get upset when their favorite candidates are rejected, I feel like Yale won’t pass on the opportunity to have the shoo-ins interviewed as well as the maybes. But honestly none of us knows for sure what their system is this year. I wish they’d be more transparent…

“Because of limited virtual interviewing capacity, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will prioritize interviews for students for whom the Admissions Committee needs more information.” -Yale Website

I think that if you are a strong candidate they wouldn’t need more information. I think for only this year they might be giving more interviews out for on the fence applicants, and the alumni should know this as it is on the website.

Does anybody know how late Yale gives out interviews? I applied Yale SCEA and we are almost at the halfway mark between nov 1 deadline and SCEA results on dec 15. I haven’t received an interview yet but I’m not sure how late they give them :confused:

I haven’t gotten an interview either and I’ve been pretty nervous… but like some people have said, Yale specifically probably won’t give interviews unless the info from your application wasn’t sufficient to determine an admissions decision for you. Beyond that I think it’s probably just random…

@emhu02 I got a call on Sunday night from an interviewer. I was convinced that I wasn’t going to get one cuz it had been so long. Also a lot of alumni are just really slow, so I wouldn’t lose all hope yet. I do wish Yale would be more transparent about who they are giving interviews. In general I feel like they’re way more transparent about their process than other schools, but not in this case. It’s frustrating…I was upset all week because I hadn’t heard. I feel bad for everyone else in the same position!! They’re really playing with our emotions this year, LOL

Thanks!! Yea they really are hahaha. I wish you & anyone else interviewing all the best of luck!! You guys will do great!!

About interviewers calling though— does anyone know, if you don’t pick up a call, will the interviewer try to reach you through emailing? I’ve never picked up calls from unknown numbers… I don’t feel comfortable starting now just in the hope of a Yale interview. Thanks!

@emhu02 I think it’s unusual for interviewers to call. Most just email you. Not sure why mine called, but I imagine that they would’ve emailed me if I hadn’t picked up.

Best of luck to you too!!

They will leave a message. I assume you check your VM

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