Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

this is what mine looks like???

oh i see! that makes sense to me :))

Yeah, now seeing it, it looks more like the status update form. Like if someone didn’t send an update, the list wouldn’t be there .Your question was completely valid though, and I hope it cleared things up for other QB applicants.

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mine looks like this as well but instead of the green checkmark and ‘received’ next to it, it has a red X and ‘awaiting’ succeeding it (i never submitted it) LOL @17xcms



Being on decision day and realizing that you created the Harvard 2025 thread when Yale is your top choice uni is a mood. Also, I saw this on reddit and I had to bring it here for some reason.


it seems there are more people who have the “status form update” tab than people who don’t, no clue what it means and it could mean nothing too

okay thank you!

not according to this poll, though: https://strawpoll.com/p5h9par1q/r

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Yeah but it doesn’t account for those who had submitted portfolios/research or QB applicants. Those who are in either category most likely have the tabs.

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so it seems that for people who didn’t submit any portfolio, it is more common for them to have the tabs as opposed to not having anything?

This was my Single Choice Early Action decision. I was so afraid that I was rejected when I read the first sentence. I wonder what’s going to unfold in a few hours. I’m so nervous :sob:.

I’m from South Africa by the way.


what was the missing part of your app if u don’t mind me asking?

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what is the table, can someone screenshot?

So here is the thing, an hour before the decision release time a missing item popped up on my admissions checklist and that was “Mid-Year Report”. I was surprised as to why it hadn’t appeared the whole time, and contacted them immediately. Some guy in the international admissions office emailed me back the next day and told me they realised the mistake and will waive the requirement as I had already graduated from high school in 2019 (took a gap year in 2020) and so my final grades were available and just enough. My counselor didn’t submit my Mid-Year Report so Yale’s system figured it was still missing as generally it is required for students who have not yet received their final grades. I’ll regard it as a misunderstanding.

I was so terrified but assured it is fine and they will work with what they have. Now apart from the report issue, the admission officer told me my recommendations were submitted quite late and so they didn’t have enough time to review everything thoroughly, hence the decision. Although these were sad news I was grateful it was not a downright rejection.

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This was the response ![ was panicking!

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My mid-year exams were canceled due to covid lockdown in the UK. I wrote to the admissions and it was waived off. Will this put me at a disadvantage position as they don’t have my midyear reports? Predicted grades based on September 2020 exams was submitted.

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No - in terms of testing Yale seems to be more lenient towards these things. Like for SAT subject tests, they aren’t being considered at all unlike some other colleges. Also your circumstances warrant the waiver so they won’t hold it against you.


Nobrains29 ! We seem to have a lot of common colleges haha
