Yale Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Won’t hurt you. I’d just go with the flow unless you feel uncomfortable for health reasons. Might be an alum who just doesn’t like remote interviewing.

OK, thank you! I have no concerns meeting him in person, and I did get the impression that he’s just technology adverse.

I was reached out for an interview today (thanksgiving); does this mean that I am for the 2nd deadline and lower priority than the 1st deadline?

They’re batches, not priorities. Read nothing further into the timing. You’ll just make yourself crazy for no reason.

Exactly. No one said priorities. Totally agree.

the two batches thing is interesting, i guess i’ll keep an eye out for an interview request then still. on another note, what majors did everyone put for their applications?

Philosophy major. Still no interview. I hope I wasn’t an auto reject (I don’ think I was) but I was not an amazing applicant either for an auto admit.

anthropology + linguistics + English (in that order)

neat! mine were 1. english 2. ethnicity race & migration 3. statistics & data sci
it’s cool to see all these other humanities folks out there

ooh I’m also interested in ethnicity race and migration! I’ve been eying the multidisciplinary academic program for human rights too (though it’s not a formal major)

My son had an interview via Zoom this past Monday.

Highly selective public school in NYC.

He applied SCEA with SAT scores.

Good luck to all!


wow i hadn’t heard of that human rights one but i’m taking a look at their website now and it seems like an amazing program too and something i’d definitely be interested in, thanks for sharing!

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Interesting array of subject areas. Theatre, math, music here.

Did anyone from MA apply? Did you get an interview?

Less than 3 weeks until Decisions!!!

i’m from MA! i received my interview request a week ago and had my actual interview two days ago.

it’s crazy that it’s coming so soon! - my friend also has a dec. 15 decision day and every time they see me the first thing they say is ‘december 15th’ and it’s become ingrained in my head haha

how did your interview go, being in person? hopefully well!

oh, thanks for asking! i think it went pretty well. there were some awkward moments (bc I’m not the most extroverted person) but there were also a lot of laughs and my interviewer complimented me on some points I made

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that sounds great! i’ve only had 1 interview so far for another school and it was virtual and nerve-wracking enough, i couldn’t even imagine being in person!