Yale Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I am from Taiwan but study in Shanghai.

Iā€™m a domestic applicant and have not gotten an interview yet :frowning:

Ah, thatā€™s great. Good luck!

I put philosophy as my #1 interest as well! +molecular bio & neuroscience & i also havenā€™t gotten an interview so iā€™m worried.

yes me too!

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Iā€™m also from Singapore, and someone in my school got an interview but I didnā€™t. She had stellar STEM awards, but I have a pretty unique application that I donā€™t think is auto-reject material ā€¦ not sure what that means

Hey, if you donā€™t mind me asking, by stellar do you mean International Science Olympiad medals and SSEF level achievements?

I think sheā€™s in the National Team for Math and Physics Olympiads, and was part of the National Team that won the first for the online version of the International Young Physicistsā€™ Tournament or something. She also won Gold for S.T. Yau Science Award. Iā€™m a Humanities person so Iā€™m not sure of the significance of all these awards though

Oh ok. Thanks for your response!

I didnā€™t get any interviews from India

IYPT first place is a very prestigious award! I think for physics, only IPHO is more impressive. But donā€™t feel nervous, applicants from the same school will not influence the committeeā€™s decision. They view holistically.

Donā€™t AOs compare you to applicants from your school (and your country as well for international students) during commitee?

Yes, you are totally right. But itā€™s just a component. Committee will not reject a student they want just because his/her school has another brilliant student. If they are interested in both, theyā€™ll take both.

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Thank you for the reassurance! I hope the reason why I didnā€™t get an interview but she did is that Iā€™ve already told a compelling story in my app, while the AOs may want to know more about her beside the awards. Hope everything goes well in the end!

Ah ok. Thanks for that clarification!

You are welcome, good luck to us all.

My D (domestic student without international recognitions) received an interview request today.
Her older sibling was interviewed by Yale just about this time a few years ago this late in the game, and was deferred then rejected at the end.
So, I am hoping for another deferral at best.

This is my third, and the last child. Itā€™s nice that I am much more relaxed about this whole college admissions process this time around.

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This is random but what do you consider late? Do you think a thanksgiving time interview is late or just normal time?

Try NOT to over analyze. I am NOT saying if your interview was earlier you have higher acceptance rate.
I am just a parent trying to keep my hopes low for my children (with or without, earlier or later interviews) because I donā€™t want to get disappointed later.
