Yale University Admissions Fall 2022

I have just called the office of financial aid as an international student with FAFSA requirement. The person told me it was normal and just a bug for some international students, and I then asked if it were a sign of rejection to which she stuttered and said “I am not allowed to tell you”.

So, all international students who have FAFSA on their portal, I am pretty sure it is a no for Yale.
Nevertheless, does anyone know why they had this requirement?


This is low-key funny ngl. Regardless, it is what is, and if it’s a rejection, well we can’t do much about it. But it’s so weird, how having a FAFSA requirement signifies a rejection.

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Yes, that would be very weird (as in, highly unlikely) because Yale being need blind - the admissions office and FA office work independently.

And you would be wrong

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Why would the person have told me so otherwise?

With all the dirty secrets regarding admissions, it would not surprise me if it were otherwise.


Even I have the same thing on my portal.

If I’m reading this correctly the person in the office you spoke to said they aren’t allowed to tell you? This is probably the same answer you would have received had you asked if it were an indication of admittance. They simply are not allowed to give out that kind of information one way or another, even if they knew. :woman_shrugging:


Do you have the same thing on portal?

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No clue, haven’t had D22 check. :woman_shrugging:

Yes, exactly! (assuming the folks handling the phone bank even have access to this information)


I said very confidently, “is this an indication of rejection”, and she stuttered trying to tell me “I am sorry but cannot tell you”. You can believe whatever you want, but sems pretty straightforward to me.

Maybe because she genuinely cannot tell you - as in, she doesn’t even have access to that information; or she’s not allowed to answer one way or the other; or it’s not her job to provide admission decisions over the phone; etc.
So many possibilities!


Yeah, doesn’t to me, it sounds like a stock answer someone gave you…as to them stuttering perhaps she was caught off guard that you would even ask…or hey, perhaps she knows you’re admitted and had to remind herself quickly not to spill the beans, lol….sorry, this just truly doesn’t mean anything, they aren’t allowed to tell anyone anything one way or another if they even knew…


Yeah right, but being an international student we fill the css profile right not the FAFSA right, so why is it listed as missing on the portal? I am not saying it’s a sign of an acceptance or a rejection just wanted to know the same.

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But how come a large part of international students have this bug? And others don’t? And they don’t end up fixing this issue unless specifically requested to do so by us emailing?

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I understand (and we also fill out CSS profile, but I understand what you mean regarding FAFSA), I just think it’s most likely what she said, a glitch.

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yeah it can be a glitch but why is it for the international students only?

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Do you know of any international student who has requested financial aid and for whom the FAFSA request does not show up?
Maybe it shows for everyone who’s asked for FA, but it’s not unexpected for domestic applicants so they don’t ask for it to be fixed. So the bug/glitch is that they are showing it for international students when they shouldn’t.


…because it’s a glitch, lol…honestly I think it’s being erroneously read into, same with the comment on the phone call. However, I clearly don’t know this for a fact…and upon decision day if you, they, whomever has this glitch doesn’t get in, they can claim they were right…even though the vast majority won’t be getting in either so it still doesn’t prove anything, kwim?

Regardless, I wish everyone the best on admittance! :slightly_smiling_face::crossed_fingers:t3: