<p>I have been accepted SCEA into Yale, and although I have to wait until April to hear back from Harvard, I want to have a good idea of my first choice school come April. I am interested in a pre-med track with a possible molecular bio or biochem major. I know Harvard has a slightly higher medical school acceptance rate but was wondering what you guys think about the overall undergrad experience, advising, and pre-med/science strength of both schools?</p>
<p>You’ll pretty much be on the same page by attending either Harvard or Yale. I believe the placement rates into med schools are similar; on average, 94-96% of med school applicants from Yale are accepted into at least one medical school (this statistic comes straight from my personal premed advisor). Many applicants are admitted into their top choice school. Both schools also have quite a bit of grade inflation. I’m a Yale sophomore (MCDB major) and the lowest grade I’ve received is an A-, although I have worked extremely hard.</p>
<p>In terms of your interests, Yale has a Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology major. Yale also has a Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry major (which is really cool, but also rather more difficult than MCDB). Both departments offer amazing courses, such as Rain Forest Expedition and Lab, where Yale pays your full expenses to spend spring break in one of the world’s rainforests, you collect samples of endophytes, you come back to Yale and screen them for bioactivity, and then you get a stipend to do research on them over the summer with faculty supervision and support. Plenty of students publish (and not just from this course). [url=<a href=“http://opa.yale.edu/news/article.aspx?id=5943]Yale”>http://opa.yale.edu/news/article.aspx?id=5943]Yale</a> Undergrads</p>
<p>Thanks rd31, that was very helpful!</p>
<p>Any more thouhts?</p>
<p>Go where your heart’s desire leads you. Premed attrition is so high anyway (not necessarily for academic reasons either) it doesn’t really matter what the acceptance rate for med school applicants from your undergrad is. 'Grats on getting into Yale.</p>
<p>I’m a Canadian grade 11 high school student with a 93% average across the board and provincially (state) ranked 3rd in mens under 18 tennis.My dream is to go to Yale, Harvard or Princeton and do premed. What type of marks were you accepted with and what extra curricular activities do you think aided your acceptance? Anything you can think of that you would recommend I do over this and next year that could help my chances of getting accepted would be much appreciated!</p>
<p>Please use old threads for information only, don’t post and revive them.</p>
<p>Use the New Thread button to ask your question.</p>
<p>For the question you are asking, this is the wrong forum, you should be posting your thread on the College Admissions forum.</p>
<p>Final word, your question is a mega FAQ here on CC. Before posting, I suggest spending several months just lurking and reading sticky threads and current threads. You’ll learn a lot more about the college admissions forum than you will by asking questions right off the bat.</p>