<p>I guess I could do some background research about this, but then I'm too lazy :)
I'm just gonna ask you Yale experts this:
Which gender has been traditionally dominant in Yale?
By dominant I mean in population.
By traditionally I mean to the extent of years going back where the data could reflect this year's gender distribution.</p>
<p>Personally, I would prefer more girls, and my masculinity agrees.</p>
<p>Well, traditionally, Yale was all-male…but just taking a shot in the dark here, I’m guessing that once they let females in, the # of females increased until they made up about 1/2 of the class.</p>
<p>I remember seeing the Maya Lin sculpture when we went on a visit… I think at one point in time, there were more women than men at Yale… not sure about now. idk about the domination thing but I’d say both genders are equally motivated and successful that’s how awesome Yale is!</p>
<p>Colleges around the USA are showing more girls then boys sort of applications (It makes us feel like rare animals. Male and EDUCATED? O.O;;)</p>
<p>But I think the top colleges still get the same number of boy/girl applications. I guess once you get to a certain point, gender doesn’t matter (my gender equality bias my be showing here.)</p>
<p>As far as I can remember, the numbers hover very near 50/50, some years maybe 52/48 M/F. I don’t think this is a data point to mine “does this increase/decrease my chances?”</p>