<p>Most interesting to me was the 10% gap between female and male applications (55% and 45%, respectively). I know more girls than boys are applying to college these days, but even that cannot fully explain these data. Harvard, for comparison, had a slight male majority (50.7%). </p>
<p>Anyone want to hypothesize why Yale in particular attracts girls? Other than the obvious charm and dashing good looks of 2013's Yale Men?</p>
<p>like sample studies. statistics. we’re majoring in statistics. after all – tutoring emma watson with her “maths” is no minor task:</p>
<p>emma: “so like i have to plug this in there? oh! blimey, this is so bloody confusing!”</p>
<p>i: “yes, right there. do it slower, it helps to see where you have to put things. once you have the x, you add the the y’s, observe the correlation, and then we multiply.”</p>
<p>emma: “haha. we multiply. you’re a goof.”</p>
<p>i: “…”</p>
<p>emma: “…”</p>
<p>i: “what are you doing tonight? we should go see harry potter – then chill afterwards.”</p>
<p>haha i was almost tempted to apply to yale just to be like rory gilmore or blair… then i realized yale didn’t really have what i wanted anyway… damn i could so be rory gilmore</p>
<p>Yale is “in” right now. The big H will always be the bigger deal, but Yale is definitely the more hip younger sibling. I think that’s part of it. I know a lot of girls reaching for Yale because it seems less severe than the more aristocratic Princeton and ultra-competitive Harvard.</p>
<p>c-hope my boy, not stole – perfected. haha nah, buddy, i will give due credit where it is due: it was your thought i based i on. don’t want to get the boot from yale because of plagiarism. have to cite those sources.</p>