<p>So I've been a little behind on adding classes. This is my tentative first semester course load (spring admit here):</p>
<p>MATH 54 - 4 units
COMPSCI 61A - 4 units
LINGUIS 55AC - 4 units
LINGUIS 24 Seminar - 1 unit</p>
<p>I also added 2 Decals (UCBUGG and Gamescrafters as backup) and hope to take one of them. If anyone knows about any special steps needed to enroll in these classes, please tell me, thanks.</p>
<p>So here are my concerns...</p>
<li><p>Tele-BEARs. Assuming my 12 community college transfer units from Fall '10 count, I'll have a measly 26/27 units by the end of freshman year. Which I believe will doom me to "freshman" status next Fall semester. Well, now that I think about it, a semester behind doesn't seem too bad... Actually, just ignore this whole point.</p></li>
<li><p>Confusion over DeCals. So the Online Schedule is telling me that both the DeCals I mentioned are variable unit courses, but looking back at past DeCals, it seems like many of them (like UCBUGG) have set units. What's up with that? If I somehow manage to get into the UCBUGG course, will I need to manually change the units to match the amount they specify? Or is the Online Schedule's listing of the UCBUGG course "fake" and irrelevant?</p></li>